Junpend Luo
PhD researcher
Junpeng Luo obtained a B.Sc. in Pharmacy from the College of Pharmacy (nationally ranked 7th) at Jinan University (China, 2019) and was then awarded a First-class Honours MEngSc in Biopharmaceutical Engineering from University College Dublin (Ireland, 2020). His growing passion for the biopharma industry has guided him to work as a bioprocess trainer and lately as an active scientist in upstream process development (USP). During the period, he led the upstream development of two CMC projects and spearheaded the early development of a perfusion and a HEK fed-batch platform. He participated in the development of various products, including mAbs, BsAbs, fusion proteins, and coagulation factors. His current PhD research focuses on developing a robust, scalable, and reproducible upstream platform for the manufacturing of therapeutic exosomes. The efforts deployed are expected to lay a solid industrial foundation for boosting the treatment of refractory diseases.