First Research Paper and ACA Featured Article of Professor Da-Wen Sun on Terahertz Imaging Applications Published
2017 News Archive
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- A fresh look at freezing foods: new technology to preserve nutrients
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- First Research Paper and ACA Featured Article of Professor Da-Wen Sun on Terahertz Imaging Applications Published
- UCD SBFE Lecturer contributes to Irish Times article
- UCD SBFE Assoc Prof Aoife Gowen featured in "Women on Walls" Campaign
A research paper entitled “(opens in a new window)A terahertz time-domain super-resolution imaging method using a local-pixel graph neural network for biological products” has just been published in Analytica Chimica Acta (Volume 1181, 9 October 2021, 338898). This is the first research paper of Professor Da-Wen Sun on terahertz imaging applications. Analytica Chimica Acta (ACA) is a leading peer-reviewed international journal in analytical chemistry with an impact factor of 6.558.
Professor Sun has a long history of researching and developing imaging techniques for food applications. He was among the earliest researchers to introduce the computer vision technique for food research and produced the 1st book in the world ((opens in a new window)Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation, Elsevier, (opens in a new window)1st edition, 2008; (opens in a new window)2nd edition, 2016), he was also among the very first researchers internationally to utilize the hyperspectral imaging technique for food research and similarly published the 1st book in the globe ((opens in a new window)Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Quality Analysis and Control, Elsevier, 2010). He began to explore the feasibility of employing the terahertz imaging technique for food research about 5 years ago and published a review paper on the topic: (opens in a new window)Emerging non-destructive terahertz spectroscopic imaging technique: principle and applications in the agri-food industry, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 67 (2017) 93–105.
In late 2019, Professor Sun purchased a terahertz imaging system, and with the commissioning of the system, research work on using the technique for food applications was then materialised and has since been continuing. It is expected that more research results on terahertz imaging will be published soon.
The paper (opens in a new window)A terahertz time-domain super-resolution imaging method using a local-pixel graph neural network for biological products, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1181 (2021) 338898 can be downloaded free of charge by clicking (opens in a new window)here. This paper has been selected as the Featured Article to be included in Volume 1181C of Analytica Chimica Acta with a cover date of 9 October 2021.