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Conor Shaw


Conor is a PhD candidate at UCD and a Marie Curie research fellow funded by the Cloud- BIM Horizons 2020 research project. His current research concerns life cycle cost information management within the built environment. Conor has held various roles within the building design and construction sector, including; surveying, construction, site supervision, design, training, and building information model development. He participates in several committees relating to digitalization within the built environment and is interested in sustainable construction, architectural heritage, and education. His educational background includes a BSc (Hons) in Architectural Technology from TU Dublin and an M.Sc in Construction and Real Estate Management, a joint program between the HTW Berlin and Helsinki Metropolia.

Email: (opens in a new window)conor.shaw@ucdconnect.ie

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Conor Shaw, Flávia de Andrade Pereira, Ciaran McNally, Karim Farghaly, Timo Hartmann and James O’Donnell (2022). “Information management in the facilities domain: investigating practitioner priorities”, Facilities Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print


Peer-reviewed conference papers

Marzia Bolpagni, Frédéric Bosché, Aurélie de Boissieu, Arghavan Akbarieh, Conor Shaw, Pedro Mêda, Raido Puust, Milena Medineckiene, Vladimir Popov and Rafael Sacks (2022). “An explorative analysis of European standards on building information modelling”. Proceedings of the 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction DOI: 0.35490/EC3.2022.170

Flávia de Andrade Pereira, Conor Shaw, Susana Martín-Toral, Jose L. Hernández, Roberto Sanz Jimeno, Donal Finn and James O’Donnell (2022). “Towards semantic interoperability for demand-side management: a review of BIM and BAS ontologies”. Proceedings of the 2022 European Conference on Computing in Construction DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2022.154

Conor Shaw, Flávia de Andrade Pereira, Cathal Hoare, Karl Hammar, Ciaran McNally and James O’Donnell (2021). “Digital Interoperability for the Facilities Management Domain: a Review of Semantic Web-based Approaches”. CIB W78 - LDAC 2021 http://itc.scix.net/paper/w78-2021-paper-096

Conor Shaw, Flávia de Andrade Pereira, Ciaran McNally and James O’Donnell (2021). “Facilities management domain review: potential contributions towards digitalisation”. 2021 Conference of the European Council on Computing in Construction DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2021.211

Flávia de Andrade Pereira, Conor Shaw, Susana Martín-Toral, Roberto Sanz Jimeno, Donal Finn and James O’Donnell (2021). “Exchange requirements to support demand side management using BIM and building automation system domains”. 2021 Conference of the European Council on Computing in Construction DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2021.202

Sunil Suwal, Vishal Singh, Conor Shaw (2016). “Towards a Framework to Understand Multidisciplinarity in BIM Context -Education to Teamwork”. CIB World Building Congress. Tampere (https://bit.ly/3tZm6Y2)

Contact UCD Building Energy Informatics

UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1839 | E: james.odonnell@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)