Usman Ali
Usman's primary research areas are machine learning, data mining, GIS modelling, intelligent computing, urban building energy modelling, energy performance certification, and research software development. He joined UCD Energy Institute as a Senior Energy Systems Researcher (Data Science for Building) in 2022.
He is working on a U.S.-Ireland R&D partnership project: intelligent data harvesting for multi-scale building stock classification and energy performance prediction. Usman has also worked as a Senior Energy Policy Researcher in collaboration with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in 2021. In addition, he was involved in developing future-proof energy performance certifications and methodologies. Usman has completed his Ph.D. 'A data-driven GIS-based approach for multi-scale residential building energy modelling' in 2020. He received a BS in Computer Science from IIUI in 2008 and an MS in Computer Science from LUMS in 2013. He has worked as a Research Associate in the smart grid, energy management, and software development field at LUMS.
Current Projects: NexSYS, Urban Data Harvesting
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