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ALIVE: Assessing Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Efficiency In a Range of Naturally-Ventilated Buildings: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach 

ALIVE is a research collaboration between the University of Galway and University College Dublin (UCD). The project is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s (SEAI) Research, Development and Demonstration Funding Programme 2019. ALIVE focuses on a longitudinal study that assesses the knowledge gap between energy performance and indoor environmental quality, based on the effectiveness of natural ventilation systems in maintaining a healthy environment. The project aims to assess the capability of natural ventilation to reduce energy consumption and avoid overheating while simultaneously maintaining indoor environmental quality (IEQ) within energy-efficient buildings. 

(opens in a new window)ALIVE Project


  • Winner of Energiesprong UK Whole Building Retrofit Hackathon
  • ALIVE PhD Scholarship by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

Contact UCD Building Energy Informatics

UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1839 | E: james.odonnell@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)