The C-NEWTRAL Network
Six universities (University College Dublin, University of Bologna, University of Girona, Heidelberg University, The University of Helsinki, Queen's University Belfast) will host and train the doctoral candidates (DCs). C-NEWTRAL will also draw on the knowledge and resources of 21 non-academic partners in Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Belgium, Spain and Italy. These partners will host DCs for secondments, provide training, and promote and support the work of C-NEWTRAL.
Industry Partners:
Centre for Systems Solutions Association, Poland; TLEX Institute, Switzerland; Bonn Science Shop - WILA Bonn, Germany; Geodesign Hub Pvt. Ltd., Ireland; Tygron, Netherlands; Hermes Traffic Intelligence, Denmark; Cities on the Move, Romania; VTT, Finland; ABUD Mérnökiroda Kft., Hungary; Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung, Germany; European Cyclists’ Federation, Belgium; The Housing Agency, Ireland; Ayuntamiento de Girona, Spain; Azienda Casa Emilia Romagna della provincia di Bologna, Italy; Comune di Cecena, Italy; City of Heidelberg, Germany; Glasgow City Council, Scotland; Dublin City Council Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere, Ireland; Dublin City Council Housing Observatory, Ireland; Eurocities ASBL, Belgium; Naider Análisis Y Acción Socio-Económica, Spain; LAND Srl. Italy
The C-NEWTRAL Doctoral Candidates (DC) will be based in one of the six host institutions and funded for 36 months through the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network (DN) programme; an initiative by the European Commission to train creative, entrepreneurial, innovative researchers, who are able to face current and future societal challenges, and will convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for the economic and social benefit of Europe.
C-NEWTRAL is an interdisciplinary network which concerns developing solutions, frameworks and cross-sectoral strategies for citizen engagement and city governance decision-making towards achieving climate-neutral cities in Europe. Each DC will be an active member of a research project team, undertaking research in the framework of the project “C-NEWTRAL: smart CompreheNsive training to mainstrEam neW approaches for climaTe-neutRal cities through citizen engAgement and decision-making support for innovative governance and integrated pLanning”.