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Webinar | Gender & Equality in Climate and Urban Research

Monday 4 November 2024. 1.00 -2.30pm CET | via Online

C-NEWTRAL Doctoral Network, is a four year project funded through the prestigious Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme. 12 Doctoral Candidates (DC’s) will conduct research on how to advance towards achieving climate-neutral cities from different dimensions (Urban Nature, Urban Mobility, Built Form, Energy, Circularity) through citizen engagement and decision-making support. An excellent team of academics from six European universities (UCD (the coordinating institution), UNIBO, UdG, UHEI, UH, QUB) is providing supervision along with industrial experts providing training to Doctoral Candidates.

As part of the C-NEWTRAL network training, online modules will be delivered on aspects specifically targeting DCs climate-neutral research. The first of of these sessions ‘Gender & Equality in Climate and Urban Research’ has been opened to all early career researchers as part of UCD Earth Institute research culture and EDI events programme for 2024-2025.


Professor Sirkku Juhola: Connecting climate change and gender

This talk will address the main ways in which climate change connects to gender issues, by focusing on the impact, sources of emissions as well as the governance and science of climate change. 

Dr. Paula Russell:  Gender and urban planning

The lecture will discuss gender inclusivity in planning and will look at the manner in which a more gender focused emphasis in policy and practice can contribute to more sustainable and liveable cities. 

(opens in a new window)Sirkku Juhola is professor of urban environmental policy in University of Helsinki and she leads the multidisciplinary research group (@UEP_group). The group consists of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students in projects that focus on urban sustainability, climate risks assessments and governance. She was a contributing author in the IPCC 6th Assessment Report  (Chapter 7 and 16) and a coordinating lead author in Third Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities, UCCRN. She has been a member and co-chair of the Finnish Climate Change Panel that advices the Finnish Government on climate policy.

(opens in a new window)Dr. Paula Russell is an Assistant Professor in Urban Planning in UCD. Her main area of research relates to the role of civil society in the planning process looking at issues of engagement and influence. She has a long-standing interest in gender issues in planning and has recently carried out work with Dr. Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi on Gender Equality in Irish Architecture and Planning. Paula is a member of the governing board of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) and is Associate Editor of the journal Urban Research and Practice.


FeeNo charge

OrganisersOnline session organised by C-NEWTRAL Doctoral Network in collaboration with UCD Earth Institute 

Intended Audience Early career researchers
