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UCD Centre for Future Learning

The Centre for Future Learning has been designed with active learning as its core objective, incorporating the kinds of formal and informal spaces that students need to acquire and practice the wide range of skills that they will need to thrive in the 21st century. 

The Centre for Future Learning will provide a modern, technology-enabled learning environment, designed for flexibility of use, with adaptable spaces to facilitate group activities and engagement with lecturers. The design also pays close attention to the circulation spaces within the building to create a welcoming and comfortable space to meet and to study.

The building will consist of 11,580m2 of floor space across 4 levels incorporating teaching and workspace facilities, a future learning resource hub, an atrium and other common areas. The façade will be a combination of glazing, stone cladding and Rheinzinc clad canopies. The building roof will contain a green sedum roof system, photovoltaic roof panels and large roof lights and is designed to an NZEB standard.

The Centre for Future Learning has been designed to support the University’s diverse community of students by adhering to principles of universal design and the creation of agile/flexible spaces that are responsive to different users’ needs.

Project Updates

What is happening:

The installation of a new underground attenuation tank at the N11/R138 entrance is scheduled to commence in early August until the end of the year. While the works are underway access will remain available to all users throughout the construction period using alternative routes provided. Please refer to the markup below for additional details and reference information.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding during these phases of work.

When is it happening:
August 2024 – December 2024 inclusive

Who will it affect:
Pedestrians, cyclists & deliveries

About Attenuation Tanks:
This very large tank will form part of UCD's surface water drainage network and along with other measures is designed to slow down surface water (rainfall) run-off from a catchment area (in this case a proportion of the Belfield campus in the environs the Centre for Future Learning building)  into public surface water drains. Surface water attenuation design is required for all new development by local authorities and are typically designed to handle storm events that occur once every 100 years, with an additional 20% capacity to account for potential climate change impacts. 

This approach helps to mitigate surface water flooding, enhance water quality, and boost the amenity and biodiversity of the surrounding environment.  Other aspects of Sustainable Urban Drainage Design on campus include our open water drains and lakes, swales and  "green" roofs.  The facility will effectively manage all surface water runoff from this section of the campus, ensuring that the area remains resilient against extreme weather conditions while promoting ecological sustainability.

The first phase of major landscape works associated with the Centre for Future Learning project has been delivered at Ardmore House and the Tierney Building on the site of the old car park N4 with the opening of the Ardmore Plaza. 

The newly opened area consists of a new shared pedestrian & cycle surface, new tree planting & associated soft landscaping and cycle parking facilities. 

The area of the old car park previously accessible for use has now been taken within the Centre for Future Learning construction site for the next phase of landscaping works to commence.

Delivery arrangements remain unchanged. Between the hours 10:00 - 12:00, Monday to Friday bollards in place at the entrance to the Plaza area will be removed to facilitate delivery access and waste collection to local buildings. Delivery vehicles should park in the area of relaid black tarmac road surface.

The final phases of enabling works project for the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 are concluding.

The project has delivered significant service and utility diversions, construction of new utilities compounds, site clearance including the removal of the former Reception and campus bank (AIB) buildings, reconfiguration of the R138/N11 campus entrance road network, realignment of the campus ring road and car park access, consolidation of car parking spaces, and improvements to pedestrian entrances at the R138/N11 entrance.

These completed works will enable minimal future disruption to University activities when construction of the Centre for Creativity and the Centre for Future Learning commences. The commencement date will be communicated in due course.

The final configurations of the R138/N11 entrance and campus ring road are now in place. When travelling please note these revised layouts and observe local signage and road markings.

As mentioned, significant changes to pedestrian paths at the R138/N11 entrance are now in place. To view an image of the updated pedestrian routes onto and within campus via the R138/N11 entrance please click/tap (opens in a new window)here. Please remember to use the pedestrian paths and avoid walking on roadways and traffic islands.

During this period traffic calming barriers remain open on campus and all other campus entrances are open as normal.

The next phase of the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 enabling works is scheduled to commence on Monday 20th June 2022 and will change access routes for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists entering campus via the R138/N11 entrance.

These changes will have significant implications for access routes to some car parks and buildings and from Monday 20th June all road traffic entering via the R138/N11 entrance must turn left upon entry to campus.

This phase of works will deliver permanent elements of the campus road network related to the Future Campus Phase 1 project, including the reopening of a section of campus ring road which has been closed for realignment since September 2021, the operation of the new roundabout at car park N1 and the closure of a section of the temporary road surface at Car Park N3. Additionally from Monday 20th June the temporary traffic light system currently in place will be removed.

To access the following car parks and buildings road users (motorists, cyclists, delivery drivers, drop offs etc.) must proceed around the new roundabout and back towards the R138/N11 entrance:

- Car Park N2 (O’Reilly Hall/Veterinary Sciences)
- Car Park N3 (Engineering)
- O’Brien Centre for Science
- O’Reilly Hall
- UCD University Club
- Veterinary Sciences Centre & Hospital
- Ardmore House
- Tierney Building
- Daedalus Building
- Engineering and Material Sciences Centre

To view an image of these routes (opens in a new window)please click here.

Pedestrian access routes will also change as part of this phase of works. To view an image of these routes (opens in a new window)please click here. Wayfinding signage will be in place to assist campus users.

The next phase of the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 enabling works is scheduled to commence on the morning of Friday 22nd April 2022 and will be in effect for approximately three weeks.

This phase of works will primarily affect pedestrian and vehicular access and egress to car park N1 (the old running track) to allow completion of a new roundabout, associated paths and surfaces at the existing entrance to the car park. The temporary traffic light system in place on the main campus ring road will remain in place for this phase of works.

During this phase there will be no change to access & egress arrangements at the R138/N11 entrance.

Please remember to observe all local signage, road markings and diversions in place for the duration of these phases of work.

To view an aerial image of these changes, click (opens in a new window)here.

From the morning of Friday 22nd April please note that:

  • All vehicular traffic entering and exiting car park N1 (the old running track) will proceed via a new surface adjacent to the construction zone of the new roundabout.
  • The current vehicular entrance and exit point will be taken into the construction zone.
  • The temporary traffic light in place within the N1 car park will be relocated to the upper level of the car park to manage traffic flow exiting the car park and joining the campus ring road.
  • Existing temporary traffic management arrangements on the campus ring road will remain unchanged.
  • The pedestrian entrance and exit to the N1 car park and the connection to existing pedestrian paths will be segregated from vehicular traffic.
  • The pedestrian entrance and exit to the N1 car park will be via a route adjacent to the woodland walk path.
  • Existing disabled parking spaces in the N1 car park remain accessible and are unaffected by these works.

The next phase of the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 enabling works are scheduled to commence on Monday March 21st and will have an impact for all campus users using the R138/N11 entrance to campus.

As previously, for the duration of this phase of works the R138/N11 entrance will remain open. All other campus entrances including Owenstown (off Fosters Avenue), Clonskeagh and Newstead also remain open. Internal traffic barriers remain open currently.

The phasing of these works has been scheduled to maintain continuous ongoing access to the R138/N11 entrance and the ongoing accessibility and operation of the campus ring road.

For this phase of works access and egress routes for the R138/N11 entrance will alter. Pedestrian routes via this entrance will also slightly alter. To view a map of these changes (opens in a new window)click here.

From Monday 21st March please note that:
  • All vehicular traffic entering campus via the R138/N11 entrance will slide to the right upon entry. This is a change from the current arrangements of all traffic entering and proceeding straight ahead.
  • Vehicular access to the O’Brien Centre for Science, car park N2, Veterinary Sciences and O’Reilly Hall & UCD Club will be via a newly constructed slip road.
  • Affected areas of pedestrian routes on campus will be segregated from vehicular traffic.
  • Vehicular traffic routes to exit campus via the R138/N11 entrance will be unaffected. The northern/city bound traffic slip road remains open.

Please note that the temporary traffic light system on the campus ring road between car park N3 (Engineering) and the Confucius Centre for Ireland will remain in place.

Please remember to observe all local signage, road markings and diversions in place for the duration of these phases of work.

The next phases of the enabling works for the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 project will commence on Monday 28th February 2022 and will have an impact for all campus users using the R138/N11 entrance to campus. 
As previously, for the duration these works the N11/R138 entrance will remain open. All other campus entrances including Owenstown (off Fosters Avenue), Clonskeagh and Newstead also remain open. Internal traffic barriers also remain open currently.
As with previous phases of enabling works, peak time delays may be experienced at the R138/N11 entrance. The phasing of these works has been scheduled to maintain continuous ongoing access to the R138/N11 entrance and the ongoing accessibility and operation of the campus ring road and car parks.
From Monday 28th February, a new phase of work in the realignment of the campus ring road and construction of the new roundabout will commence. For this phase of works parking spaces on the upper level of car park N1 (old running track) will be closed to facilitate pedestrian movements around the work areas. Wayfinding signage, realigned pedestrian crossings and a temporary traffic light system will be in place. Disabled parking spaces within the works area will be relocated within the upper level of car park N1. 
Additionally, from Monday 7th March the section of woodland walk between the R138/N11 entrance to the upper level of car park N1 will be closed.
To view a map of the scheduled pedestrian access changes  (opens in a new window)click here.
To view a map of the scheduled vehicular (including cyclist) access changes  (opens in a new window)click here.
To view a combined map of these changes  (opens in a new window)click here.
Please remember to observe all local signage, road markings and diversions in place for the duration of these phases of work.

From Saturday 5th February a temporary segregated footpath and traffic light system will be in place on the campus ring road between the entrance to car park N1 (old running track) and the John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies.

These works are taking place to facilitate the realignment of the campus ring road and in turn construction of a new roundabout in the vicinity of the N1 and N3 (Engineering) car parks taking place as part of the UCD Future Campus project.

For the duration of this phase of works road traffic on this section of the ring road will be reduced to one lane with a stop/go system in place and a section of footpath in the same area will be closed. (opens in a new window)The area can be viewed here.

Temporary wayfinding signage and fencing will be in place in the works area to ensure safe segregation between pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

From Monday 7th February an additional 15 parking spaces within car park N3 will be closed to allow installation of building services for the UCD Centre for Creativity and the UCD Centre for Future Learning. Replacement parking spaces for those decommissioned are available in car park N1.

The next phase of enabling works for the UCD Future Campus Phase One are due to commence shortly.

From Monday 24th January several paths in the vicinity of the Daedalus Building, Engineering and Material Sciences Centre, John Hume Institute and Car Park N3 (Engineering) will be closed with diversions to alternative routes in place to facilitate the installation of building services for the UCD Centre for Creativity and the UCD Centre for Future Learning.

These diversions (opens in a new window)are detailed here.

From Monday 24th January access to the disabled parking spaces serving the Engineering and Material Sciences Centre and the John Hume Institute will be via the main ring road opposite Belfield House.

Please note that from Monday 13th December to Friday 17th December inclusive a temporary traffic light system will be in place on the section of campus ring road between car park N1 (old running track) and car park N3 (Engineering). These arrangements which over the five-day period will consist of two sets of lane closures managed by three-way traffic lights are in place to facilitate the installation of services associated with the Centre for Creativity and Centre for Future Learning.

To view an aerial image of the works areas and locations of temporary traffic lights (opens in a new window)please click here. The temporary traffic lights shall be set so that priority is given to the traffic entering the campus in the morning time and exiting campus in the evening time via the R138/N11 entrance.

Please note during this period that internal traffic barriers are open and through access to the centre of campus via the Owenstown Park entrance is also open.

For the duration of these works existing pedestrian routes will be maintained and temporary signage will be in place to advise road users and pedestrians of the works.

The next phase of enabling works for the UCD Future Campus Phase 1 are due to commence shortly.

From Monday 15th November, part of car park N3 (Engineering) will be closed, with alternative permit parking available in Car Park N1. A new entrance to the remainder of the N3 car park will be provided along with updated line marking and signage. Please follow local signage.

From Monday 22nd November, all parking spaces within car park N4 (AIB/Tierney) will close with the exception of three disabled parking spaces located beside the Tierney Building and three Go-Car spaces located at the entrance to the car park. For the duration of this package of works, circulation routes for pedestrians and motorists to enter, circulate and exit the car park will be maintained.

Replacement permit, pay & display, and premium pay & display parking spaces are available within car park N1. Alternative EV charging points are available in car park O2 (to the rear of Belgrove Student Residences). EV spaces closed in car park N4 will be relocated to car park O3 (opposite Merville Student Residences) shortly.

Details of the new N3 entrance point, closed parking spaces within the N3 and N4 car parks and the location of the replacement parking (opens in a new window)spaces are detailed here.

On the mornings of Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Monday 22nd of November a traffic steward will be on duty to assist motorists in car park N1.

Further key operational updates will be communicated in advance as the project progresses.

Enabling works for UCD Future Campus Phase 1 in the vicinity of the N11/R138 entrance are continuing. Throughout this and future phases of enabling works the N11/R138 entrance will remain open with traffic diversions in operation to facilitate scheduled works.

From today, Thursday 28th October, changes to the exit route for vehicular traffic from campus via the N11/R138 entrance and vehicular traffic exiting the N2 (O’Reilly Hall) car park have been implemented. These changes are detailed below:

  • The north/city bound traffic slip road has reopened.
  • The temporary slip road connecting car park N2 to the N11/R138 exit has closed. The traffic layout for entering and exiting car park N2 has reverted to its original layout.
  • Traffic exiting campus via the N11/R138 exit must now proceed towards Car Park N2 and take the first right after the pedestrian crossing at the entrance to Car Park N2. From here, north/city bound traffic can proceed via the slip road and south bound traffic can proceed to the traffic signals at the N11/R138 entrance.
  • (opens in a new window)Click here to view a map of the updated exit route

Please note that the through road from the main campus ring road to the Owenstown Park entrance which exits on to Fosters Avenue is open. Internal traffic calming barriers also remain open at this time. 

Enabling works for UCD Future Campus Phase 1 located in the vicinity of the N11/R138 entrance are continuing. Throughout this and future phases of enabling works, the N11/R138 entrance will remain open, with traffic diversions in operation to facilitate the scheduled works.

From Thursday the 30th of September, the current arrangement of all traffic entering the campus from the N11/R138 and turning left will change. The section of campus ring road between the left hand turn at the N11/R138 entrance and the entrance to the N3 (Engineering) car park opposite the N1 (old running track) car park will be closed, allowing this section of the ring road to close, facilitating its realignment as part of the planned programme of works for Future Campus Phase 1.

From Thursday 30th September vehicular traffic entering campus via the N11/R138 entrance and accessing the campus ring road will proceed straight and left onto the newly constructed road through the N3 (Engineering) car park.

Vehicular traffic exiting campus via the N11/R138 or accessing the N2 car park from the ring road will also proceed through this newly constructed road.
Pedestrian paths and crossings will be in place to facilitate pedestrian movements in the area.

Vehicular traffic accessing the N2 (O’Reilly Hall) car park and associated buildings and routes from the N11/R138 entrance will proceed straight and right. The city bound slip road and associated roadways at the N11/R138 entrance will remain closed and egress from the N2 car park will remain as is.

These diversions are further detailed (opens in a new window)here.

Enabling works for UCD Future Campus Phase 1 located in the vicinity of the N11 entrance will commence during the week beginning Monday 9th August.

Throughout this and future phases of enabling works the N11 entrance will remain open however traffic diversions will be in place to facilitate the scheduled works.

From Monday August 9th vehicular access and circulation routes to the below locations will change:

  • O’Reilly Hall/University Club
  • Veterinary Sciences & Hospital
  • Engineering & Materials Science Centre
  • John Hume Institute for Global Irish Studies
  • Tierney Building
  • Ardmore House & Annex
  • Car Parks N2 (O’Reilly Hall), N3 (Engineering) and N4 (Tierney)

For this phase of works all vehicular traffic entering the N11 entrance must turn left upon entry to campus and proceed to the above locations via the new road passing through Car Park N3.

Access will be closed for vehicular traffic which normally proceeds straight towards the Tierney Building, and which turns right at the N11 Reception Building towards Car Park N2 upon entering the campus. 

Egress arrangements at the N11 entrance will also be affected by this phase of the enabling works. The city bound slip road and associated roadways at the N11 entrance will be closed and the access road to Car Park N2 will be reconfigured to a two-way traffic system. Egress from the N2 car park will be facilitated by construction of a new exit point onto the existing road at the N11 exit.

These diversions are further detailed (opens in a new window)here.