Welcome to the 'public and patient' section of our website. This site has been developed with input from public and patient representatives and we hope you find it interesting and informative.
You may be here because you are a cancer patient, a family member, a friend, or a carer for a patient. Or perhaps you're here simply because you're interested in learning about cancer trials. In these pages we hope to tell you in everyday language about cancer trials - what is a trial, how they are conducted, how does someone get on a trial, why would a person contemplate taking part in a trial, and so on.
We hope you find the information you are looking for here and that you will feel better informed about trials. If you are a patient thinking about participating in a trial, we hope that the information will encourage you to speak to your Doctor/Consultant, and help you feel more confident in your decision making.
Choose from the links below to find out more about cancer clinical trials, including both oncology and haematology.