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UCD Cancer Research Symposium

07 June 2024 | 13:30 - 18:15

About This Conference

The UCD Cancer Research Symposium is a significant educational and networking event specifically tailored for clinical and research staff from UCD, the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, and St Vincent's Hospital.

The aim is to provide an overview of key cancer research activities, foster collaboration, and identify areas of critical mass and opportunity across four sessions, including:

  • Research activity updates from UCD, the Mater Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital, and the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster.
  • Panel discussion on the inclusion of the patient voice in cancer research.
  • Introductions from new cancer research investigators.
  • Highlights on how artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting cancer research.
  • A keynote presentation on the use of AI for better cancer diagnosis.

Please note that this symposium is exclusively intended for staff, clinicians, and researchers UCD and its clinical affiliates.

The UCD Cancer Research Symposium is organised by UCD Research with the All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI)  and theUCD Cancer Trials Cluster.  Additional support is acknowledged from the UCD School of Medicine.  

If you have any questions, please contact cancersymposium@ucd.ie.

Conference Details

Date07 June 2024

Time13:30 - 17:35


LocationConway Institute, UCD Belfield

Intended Audience Clinical and research staff from UCD, the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, and St Vincent's Hospital.

Register here

Abstract Submission

We are now accepting submissions for poster presentations at the symposium. Presentations may be in any area relevant to cancer research, including research posters, service evaluations, project overviews, etc. If you would like to present a poster, please complete this form: (opens in a new window)Click Here.

Please note the deadline for the abstract submission is31st of May.


Contact the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster

UCD Clinical Research Centre, St Vincent's University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4
E: cancertrials@ucd.ie