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Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

UCD Cancer Trials Director meets with Taoiseach Simon Harris

A photograph of Professor Michaela Higgins, An Taoiseach Simon Harris, and CEO of the Irish Cancer Society Averil Power

From left to right: Professor Michaela Higgins (Director of the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster), Simon Harris (An Taoiseach), and Averil Power (CEO of the Irish Cancer Society)

This week, Professor Michaela Higgins, Director of the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster and President of the Irish Society of Medical Oncology (ISMO), attended a pivotal meeting at the office of An Taoiseach Simon Harris. The meeting, which also included Averil Power of the Irish Cancer Society and senior Health Service Executive (HSE) officials, focused on the urgent need to appropriately fund and implement the National Cancer Strategy.

An Taoiseach Harris expressed a keen interest in understanding the current experiences of cancer patients in Ireland and the challenges faced in providing optimal care nationwide. The discussion was thorough and productive, addressing several critical issues, including:

  • Inequity in access to cancer drugs
  • Workforce planning for cancer units and diagnostic services
  • The importance of clinical trials
  • Legal changes needed to allow maternity leave to be postponed for patients diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy

Professor Higgins remarked,

I am very grateful to An Taoiseach for initiating this meeting and for chairing a constructive discussion. I believe everyone in that room is committed to improving the experience and outcomes of cancer patients in Ireland. I look forward to working together to achieve the milestones outlined in the National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026.

Clinical trial activity is an intergral component of cancer care but Ireland lags behind other countries when it comes to the number of new trials opened. Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly (opens in a new window)recently announced the establishment of a National Clinical Trials Oversight Group, tasked with developing recommendations to increase the number of trials taking place in Ireland.

This task force is chaired by our colleague, Professor Donal Brennan, Gynaecological Oncologist at the Mater Hospital. Additionally, taskforce members include (opens in a new window)Professor Peter Doran (Co-Lead Investigator of the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster) and Siobhan Gaynor (PPI representative of the Cluster's Advisory Committee).

Contact the UCD Cancer Trials Cluster

UCD Clinical Research Centre, St Vincent's University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4
E: cancertrials@ucd.ie