

Career Mentoring Programme

The UCD Career Mentoring Programme - Applications will open in September 2024

The UCD Career Mentoring Programme Applications are currently closed. 

Run collaboratively by UCD Careers Network and UCD Alumni Relations, the UCD Career Mentoring Programme provides students with the opportunity to meet and network with professional mentors who are able to offer support in developing their career ideas, clarifying their goals and improving their employability.


Over a six-month period, student mentees will virtually meet with alumni mentors at least three times. Both mentors and mentees are supported by UCD Careers Network and UCD Alumni Relations throughout the programme offering training and advice.”

The programme is open to the following students;

  • Stage2, Stage 3, and Final Year Undergraduate Students in the UCD College of Social Sciences & Law
  • Stage 2, Stage 3, and Final Year Undergraduate Students in the UCD College of Arts and Humanities
  • Penultimate and Final Year Undergraduate Students in the UCD College of Science
  • Stage 2, Stage 3, and Final Year Undergraduate students in the UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

The aim is to support students at a critical time in their career, as they begin making decisions in relation to employment, internships or further study.

A mentor can provide practical information on specific roles and sectors, including what is required to work in that area and what their day to day job involves. Often, they can also help with applications and interviews. Mentors are a great objective sounding board who you can run ideas past and seek advice from. If you feel you could benefit from this support and would like to work with a mentor to develop your employability, this is the programme for you!

The mentors are UCD alumni from a range of different backgrounds with vast knowledge and a range of experience.

  1. As a mentee you will join an online community of fellow student mentees and alumni mentors. 
  2. We provide training and support to ensure both alumni and students are confident to make the most of the mentoring relationship.
  3. Once matched, mentoring sessions can take place online, by telephone, or face-to-face.

Time required from you: 

  • Apart from preparatory work including setting up an online profile and completing an online mentee training session, this programme will take place from November 2023 May 2024.
  • All participants will be invited to attend an important Launch Event on Wednesday, 8 November 2023.
  • Once you have found your mentor match, we ask that you meet at least 3 times in 6 months (November - May).

Here’s what other mentees have said about the programme.

  • 77% of students felt more confident approaching their career planning as a result of participating in this programme
  • 72% of students know more about roles/career paths/sectors that might interest them as a result of this programme
  • 87% of students would recommend this programme to other students

Have a query?

  • If you are a current student and have any questions related to this programme please contact:

If you are a UCD alumnus who is interested in becoming a mentor please contact: