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Further development of the FREETOOL project is continuing in collaboration with EACTDA (European Anti-Cybercrime Technology Development Association) who run the Tools4LEAs project.

The Tools4LEAs project aims at establishing a long-term and sustainable structure that delivers on a regular basis, tools that are ready to be used at operational level by European public security practitioners (law enforcement agencies (LEA) and others), primarily in their digital investigations. These tools will have no license costs for European public security practitioners.

The tools development work plan will be end-users driven to help European public security entities fight cybercrime. The project will focus on delivering fully tested and functional tools that are user friendly and interoperable and complement LEAs’ current systems. There will be regular releases of tools for end-user evaluation, a facilitation of shorter development cycles, and more dependable releases.

EACTDA and UCD-CCI commenced their collaboration in June 2022 and to date a total of 9 tools have undergone, or are currently undergoing, refinement and further development to be used at operational level by European public security practitioners.

The Tools4LEAs project has received funding from the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police under Grant Agreement Number 101036219 – Tools4LEA (V1), and latterly Grant Agreement Number 101136295 – Tools4LEA (V2).

Please find further information about the (opens in a new window)Tools4LEAs, (opens in a new window)EACTDA, and (opens in a new window)FREETOOL projects.

UCD Centre for Cybersecurity & Cybercrime Investigation

School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2934