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CDIC Design Studio Established: Shaping the Future of Creative Design

Monday, 21 October, 2024

To better support the practical sessions of Design 2 and Automotive Design modules, led by Dr. Jufan Zhang and supported by the CDIC management & UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering management, CDIC Design Studio was established and came into service. A dedicated space on the 4th floor of Hongyuan Building was designated to the Design Studio, with movable desks and chairs for flexible arrangement of design tasks, along with cabinets for tools and materials storage. The undergraduates made intensive design work and group presentations & discussions based on this space. 

Design Studio is also supporting the labs of Automotive Materials and Vehicle Structural Analysis in this semester, and will be used more extensively in the future.

CDIC Design Studio established

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T: +353 1 716 1945 |