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Debate on my experience - Wang Li

Thursday, 25 July, 2024

Wangli Profile

Student: Wang Li
Major: Transport City Planning and Environmental Policy
Stage: 1
City: Guangzhou

My college experience has been positive. Having classes in English was particularly interesting. I hope to have more teachers from UCD next year. Interacting with foreign teachers has been a highlight, as we engage in various activities and meetings.

This July, I am excited to participate in the Summer Programme at UCD. The prospect of group discussions is particularly appealing.

When I began my course in Xi’an, I was fascinated by the diversity of my peers, who arrived from different parts of China. It was intriguing to hear various dialects and observe cultural differences. One surprising discovery was that people from the North drink vinegar as a beverage, while in my region, it is used solely as a flavouring for dishes.

This year, I faced challenges, particularly with having less talkative classmates. This made learning more difficult. Some classes lacked engagement and focus as they were centred on PowerPoint presentations.

Living on the CHU campus wasn’t hard to adjust to. The CDIC campus has a unique charm, and I prefer the weather in Xi’an over Guangzhou, which is hotter and more humid.

I am passionate about the debating club. It was my first experience debating in English, which required me to learn new skills and rules. I was also a member of the Student Union, but next year I plan to focus more on my classes.

For the holidays, I plan to return home to Guangzhou. I intend to take an internship or work on a project at a nearby university. Additionally, I will travel to Ireland for the Summer Programme and read some books before returning to CDIC.

Next year, I aim to participate in academic competitions, projects, and essays, as well as a maths competition. I also want to explore the cities around Xi’an and climb up Mount Hua at night.

Wangli Li at the beach

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

Room 504, James Joyce Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1945 |