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Joy of Learning and Building Connections – Zhao Haiyi

Thursday, 25 July, 2024

Student: Zhao Haiyi
Major: Automotive Engineering
Stage: 2
City: Nanyang

One of the most rewarding aspects of my Automotive Engineering course is the opportunity to connect with diverse and knowledgeable teachers. Anton, in particular, stands out not only as an excellent teacher but also as a mentor who provides invaluable insights on bridging the gap between academic knowledge and the automotive industry. 

Transitioning from Chinese to English during classes has been a significant challenge for me. Through the course, I have developed essential skills in public speaking and group collaboration, which are crucial for my future career. These experiences have helped me build confidence and adapt to an international learning environment.

I was born in Beijing, but my hometown, Nanyang in Henan Province. Apart from my academic pursuits, I have a deep passion for football. I have been an ardent supporter of England since 2016, despite my disappointment with their performance in Euro 2024. My love for football extends to my participation in the CDIC football club, where we compete with other teams at CHU. The camaraderie with my friends, roommates, and football teammates adds a joyful dimension to my university life.

The second stage of my course has brought an increase in the number of classes, many of which are taught by UCD teachers. These classes are more challenging, with a focus on specialised modules such as Mechanics of Fluids, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Applied Dynamics.
Looking ahead, I aspire to continue my studies abroad after completing my Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive Engineering. To prepare for this, I am honing my English skills. If I pursue a Master program, I aim to study in the US, whereas for a PhD, UCD is my preferred choice.

Last summer, I had the privilege of participating in an International Summer Abroad program in Dublin. The long days and relaxing moments by the UCD lake were highlights of my time in Ireland. This experience not only improved my English but also gave me a taste of life in an international academic setting.
What I appreciate most about CDIC is its international atmosphere. The exposure to different cultures and education systems provides a rich and diverse experience without having to leave China. This environment helps ease parents' concerns while still offering students a global perspective. CDIC's focus on English and academic writing skills is particularly beneficial for preparing students for future international opportunities.

This summer, my primary focus will be on improving my English in preparation for the IELTS test. Additionally, I am gearing up for a maths competition and plan to spend some time with my family. I also intend to enhance my research skills by learning how to write academic papers, with the goal of publishing in a journal to gain experience and improve my grades.

Student Haiyi Zhao

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

Room 504, James Joyce Library Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1945 |