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Passion, Learning, and Balance – Liu Hanyang

Student: Liu Hanyang
Major: Automotive Engineering
Stage: 1
City: Chongqing

Student Hanyang Liu

From a young age, I have been fascinated by cars and the mechanics that make them run. This early passion naturally led me to pursue a major in Automotive Engineering, a decision that has proven to be the best choice for me. 

My enthusiasm for Automotive Engineering is matched by my dedication to improving my English. Since starting my studies, I have noticed significant progress in my language skills. This improvement is not just limited to the classroom; I actively seek opportunities to enhance my English proficiency outside of formal education. One of the most helpful ways I have found to learn English is through watching movies and TV series. Some of my favourites include "Breaking Bad," "Game of Thrones," and "Stranger Things." 

One of the highlights of my academic journey has been joining the Formula team. This experience has been invaluable, as it allows me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. I am in the software team. Competing as a team has taught me the value of collaboration and communication, skills that are essential in the field of automotive engineering.

The most challenging aspect of my journey so far has been finding a balance between my studies and my involvement in competitions. The coursework is demanding, and achieving the highest GPA requires dedication and hard work. However, I recognise the importance of gaining practical skills, so I always make time for activities that provide hands-on experience. 

As I look forward to the summer, my schedule is packed with activities that promise both learning and excitement. I will start with a compulsory summer camp, which will be followed by preparations for our big competition in November. Our team needs to design and build a car model over the summer. Despite the busy schedule, I plan to take some time to rest in my hometown of Chongqing.

For the upcoming academic term, my goal is to focus more on my courses and strive for better grades. 

Contact the UCD China Joint Colleges Office

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T: +353 1 716 1945 |