What is a Structured Elective in Applied Languages?
You can obtain a Structured Elective qualification in a language by accumulating sufficient credits in that language over the course of your programme.
This means taking your elective credits in a structured manner over the course of your degree to form a recognised block of learning in a subject area amounting to a minimum of 15 credits – typically three 5 credit modules.
A Structured Elective will appear on your official UCD Transcript, and means future employers will see that you have a block of credits in a specific area. Competence in global languages is increasingly valued in a multilingual, international work environment in Ireland and overseas.

What languages are available?

How do I register for a structured elective?
Students who have completed at least 15 credits from the set of specified electives will be awarded an elective specialisation. Students will not register for this elective specialisation in advance. It will be awarded post hoc based on the electives they have chosen during their undergraduate studies.
Please consult the links above for more information on which specific modules you must complete in order to qualify. Electives taken at any stage of your programme may be included.
Modules must be taken in ascending order of the levels. No guarantee will be given to students that it will be possible to take 15 credits from the set. This will depend on module places being available and on the exigencies of the timetable. Pre-requisites apply to some modules.

What happens if I don’t complete the full 15 credits?
Any elective module will still be included on your UCD transcript, along with the grade you've achieved and the CEFR level you have reached. So even if you only complete one module in a particular language, you will still be able to display evidence of your competence.
All of our classes are synchronised with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) making it much easier for students to clearly define their language learning progress and level of proficiency.