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Koppelman March 2019

We would like to invite you to a seminar at 4-6pm on Wednesday 27 March 2019 held under the auspices of UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life. 

The unnecessary conflict between gay rights and religious liberty

Andrew Koppelman

John Paul Stevens Professor of Law and Professor (by courtesy) of Political Science

Northwestern University

(opens in a new window)akoppelman@northwestern.edu


Wednesday 27 March 2019 from 4-6pm

Agnes Cuming Seminar Room, Newman Building D522,

UCD School of Philosophy, UCD.


The format is:

The paper will be pre-circulated (available two weeks before the seminar) and you are asked to read it beforehand. The format of the seminar will be a ten-minute summary of the paper by the Speaker, followed by 5-10 minute response by a colleague or graduate student, followed by open discussion. 

All welcome! Please email Prof Maeve Cooke ((opens in a new window)maeve.cooke@ucd.ie)between 13 March and 26 March if you wish to attend and would like the paper. 


If you are interested in responding to Professor Koppelman, please contact Maeve Cooke as soon as possible. 

Contact the Centre for Ethics in Public Life (CEPL)

CEPL, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: cepl@ucd.ie