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Research at CEPL

 A showcase for some of the research projects currently being pursued by the Centre for Ethics in Public Life

Our research themes

The Centre is aimed at ethical research across disciplines which is of interest to wider society. While all such research is welcomed and encouraged, the current priority of the Centre is to develop research projects in the following five areas:

  • Vulnerability
  • Trust
  • Ethics of Health and Illness
  • Identity and Discrimination
  • New Technology and Ethics of AI

Body Dementia

IRC-funded Research Project


Dynamic Engagement and Embodied-Cognitive Approaches to Dementia

PI: Dr Danielle Petherbridge (School of Philosophy)                  

Open Heart City project

Open Heart City is a collective of academics – a dozen in total – who work in UCD and in partner universities, and have come together to work on redeveloping the large site of the former Magdalene Institution in Sean McDermott St. Open Heart City project combine extensive knowledge of the Magdalene site of and its surroundings, the issues it raises, its history, its place within larger currents of urbanism and social formation with experience in managing large projects, of achieving societal impact, along with experience of developing design proposals, of commissioning, curating and exhibiting architecture.


PEriTiA project: Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action

An international research project with its central membership based at CEPL, which explores the conditions under which people trust the experts and expertise that shapes public policy. PEriTiA brings together philosophers, social and natural scientists, policy experts, ethicists, psychologists, media specialists and civil society organisations to conduct a comprehensive multi-disciplinary investigation of trust in and the trustworthiness of policy related expert opinion.

Health Ethics and Narrative Ireland logo

Health Ethics and Narrative

Health, Ethics and Narrative Ireland (HEANI) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary project bringing together a network of researchers to build a vibrant community of practice and research around ethical and creative narratives in clinical education and practice. It specifically aims to develop and evaluate models of medical education and practice that address reflexive approaches through narrative in relation to illness and the body. HEANI seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and meaningful exchange between clinical, ethical and creative academic practices.

Contact the Centre for Ethics in Public Life (CEPL)

CEPL, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: cepl@ucd.ie