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Talking Towns Previous Seminars:


Thursday 4 May, 1-2pm: The present and future of the High Street / Main Street in our towns
A 'Nations of Towns' seminar co-organised with University of Edinburgh.

Thursday 6 April, 1-2pm: Making art in the rural
Co-organised with (opens in a new window)Cultural Policy Observatory Ireland. This session will explore the circumstances, challenges and opportunities that making art in the rural presents for those living and working in and across the rural.

Thursday 2 March, 1-2pm: Understanding place: data and towns

Thursday 2 February, 1-2pm: Housing and Irish towns



Thursday 3 November, 1-2pm: Transport and Mobility in Irish Towns

Thursday 13 October, 1-2pm: Vacancy and Irish Towns 


Thursday 5 May, 1-2pm: Seminar 6: Transformations of life & work in towns


Thursday 7 April, 1-2pm: Seminar 5: The Life of Towns through the lens of Public Space

Thursday 3 March, 1-2pm: Seminar 4: The border and Irish towns 

You can watch the talk (opens in a new window)here 


Thursday 2 December, 1-2pm: Seminar 3: Just Transition and Irish towns

You can watch the talk (opens in a new window)here

Thursday 4 November, 1-2pm: Seminar 2: Community participation in design and planning in towns

 You can watch the talk (opens in a new window)here

Thursday 7 October, 1-2pm: Seminar 1: Data and Irish towns

You can watch the talk (opens in a new window)here

Contact Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT)

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: cfit@ucd.ie