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Academic Prizes

On behalf of ISHGR, CHAGS13 will offer three academic prizes

-        Best Student Presentation

-        Best ECR (Early Career Researcher) presentation

-        Best Poster

Each prize will include a certificate and a €100 book token. To be eligible for these prizes, you will need to tick a box confirming that you want to be considered when submitting your paper abstract and send the complete poster/presentation to CHAGS13@ucd.ie by June 20th 2022 (one week before the conference). 

Criteria for evaluation:quality of research, quality of presentation/poster; fit to theme of conference. (Each to be scored out of 10 by a sub-committee of the CHAGS13 Scientific Committee).

Categories for prizes (these are NOT the same as those for registration fees)

Student Prize:current students or within one year of award and with the poster directly presenting the results of the PhD

 ECR:within five years of PhD award (with career breaks not included)


UCD School of Archaeology, Newman Building, Belfield, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: CHAGS13@ucd.ie

Hosted by UCD School of Archaeology, University College Dublin - Follow us on twitter @CHAGS131