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Find out more about the UCD Chaplaincy Team

photo of the UCD Chaplaincy Team

Meet the UCD Chaplaincy Team

The UCD Chaplaincy Team offers student support, pastoral care, spiritual direction and the opportunity to be part of a community of understanding, respect and dialogue. Feel free to get in touch if you are having a personal problem that you need to talk about, are facing challenging circumstances that you need help with or want to find out more about any of our events. We are available to support people from all denominations and religions and to students from all faiths and none. We look forward to hearing from you! Make sure to keep an eye on our 'News & Events' page and follow us on socials to find out more about our upcoming gatherings.

Fr. Eamonn Bourke

UCD Student Centre

Mobile: 086-8346071

Office: Chaplaincy Quad Room

Email: (opens in a new window)eamonn.bourke@ucd.ie

photo of Brendan ludlow

Fr. Brendan Ludlow

Mobile: 087 777 9225

Office: Chaplaincy Quad Room

Email: (opens in a new window)brendan.ludlow@ucd.ie

Portrait photo of chaplain Becky Heaslip

Becky Heaslip

Church of Ireland Chaplain

UCD Student Centre

Email: becky.heaslip@ucd.ie


Office: Chaplaincy Quad Room

Photo of Scott Evans

Revd. Scott Evans

Church of Ireland

UCD Student Centre

Mobile: 086-8124052

Office: Chaplaincy Quad Room

Email: (opens in a new window)scott.evans@ucd.ie

Brian Hickey

Associate Chaplain - Methodist Church

Mobile: 085-821 7273

Email: (opens in a new window)brian.hickey@irishmethodist.org