About UCD Chaplaincy

Welcome to St. Stephen’s Chaplaincy
St. Stephen’s Chaplaincy Centre at UCD welcomes all students who wish to explore, nurture or celebrate faith and spirituality. It hosts a variety of student society and faith-based events and its facilities include a function room, a contemplation room, a small library and a private room for pastoral care. We look forward to meeting you at an event at St. Stephen's soon!
St. Stephen's Chaplaincy Charter:
The Chaplaincy’s ethos seeks, at all times, to protect and foster mutual respect and communion between individuals and groups of similar and of different religious (or non-religious) persuasions. Our goal is to build unity based on respect for the richness of diversity among us.

Contemplation Room
The Contemplation Room is open all day during term time and is open to all who would like a quiet place to reflect, pray or medidate. Life on campus can be hectic and fast-paced and we all need a place to pause and get away from it at times. This space is a resource and retreat space for you so feel free to drop in whenever you need it!

UCD Chaplaincy has a small borrowing/browsing library of books connected in some way, though not exclusively, with question of faith and spirituality. All members of the UCD community are welcome to peruse, read and check-out books at the library which is located in the foyer of St. Stephen's.