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Research Innovation and Impact

New knowledge is at the heart of what a university is, and the College is strongly committed to excellence in research and innovation to deliver impact locally, nationally and globally. By building an outstanding base of scholarship within all our disciplines, we generate new knowledge and ideas that inform policy, support enterprise, deliver innovation, and enrich society. In its Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives document, the college highlights six overarching actions in its Research remit.

  • Foster and support excellent research and innovation to generate impact
  • Identify and coordinate research opportunities in thematic and priority areas
  • Seek opportunities for, and facilitate, interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Develop the College organisation, support services and systems for the management of research, innovation and impact including our research facilities
  • Create an environment and culture that is supportive of all investigators from graduate research students to senior faculty  Facilitate the training of the investigators of the future

The college Research, Innovation and Impact Group is chaired by CHAS VP for Research, Innovation and Impact, Professor Lorraine Brennan and membership consists of Associate Deans for Research across the College, as well as Institute Directors and Research Partners. 

“Ensuring our voices are heard and our community valued”.

The UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences (CHAS) Postdoctoral Forum is a committee made up of early career researchers from each of the five Schools in the College. Our aim is to advocate for Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Fellows, and Research Scientists in the CHAS. Members represent the forum on committees such as the CHAS Research, Innovation, and Impact Group (RIIG) and individual School RIIG and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committees. We use targeted surveys to identify issues of concern to early career researchers and work to improve the experience of those we represent across the College. The forum organises regular coffee events to create a sense of community and help new postdocs integrate into the CHAS postdoc community. The Postdoctoral Forum celebrates Postdoc Appreciation Week in September 2023 with a 'Pint of Postdoc' event. 

You can find out more about the 2022 Postdoc Appreciation Event here : 2022 Event

The forum can be contacted by emailing: chaspostdocforum@ucd.ie

Members of the committee

School of Veterinary Medicine Muhammad Ijaz 

School of Agriculture and Food Science Aisling Moffat

School of Medicine Darrell Andrews, Lisha Joshi, Tristan Russell

School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems Sahar Hammoud (co-Chair)

School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science Kaat Philippe (co-Chair)

University College Dublin is committed to fostering and sustaining an environment which holds the highest standards of integrity in relation to its educational mission and research activities. As part of this commitment, the College of Health and Agricultural Science Responsible Conduct of Research committee (CHAS RCRC) was established. The committee is composed primarily of research integrity champions from each school within the CHAS, and the purpose of the committee is principally 1) To promote an ethos of responsible conduct of research and research integrity, and 2) to advise on relevant supports and training required for researchers within the CHAS.

Should you require further information about the committee please contact the Chair, Dr. Danny Crean ((opens in a new window)daniel.crean@ucd.ie).

The college hosts an annual Graduate Research Student Symposium to showcase the research of its graduate students. The 2023 event took place on Thursday May 4th. You can see photos and winners from the day here: Student Symposium 2023

You can read about the 2022 event, including a list of winners of the oral and poster prizes here : Student Symposium 2022.

The UCD STEM Challenge Fund is a joint initiative between the three UCD Colleges of Science, Engineering & Architecture, and Health & Agricultural Sciences to support highly collaborative and high-impact STEM research in UCD. Read more about it at this dedicated webpage : UCD STEM Challenge Fund.

UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: chas@ucd.ie