Evidenced-Based Education Collaborative
On This Page
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a fundamental component of high quality healthcare, providing a clear mechanism to prioritise appropriate clinical decision-making and maximise patient safety. Hence, EBP is a core competency for all health professionals with wide recognition of the requirement for the inclusion of EBP teaching in all healthcare curricula.
Despite this recognition, the literature consistently cites a gap between best evidence-based practice and actual clinical care.
The core importance of EBP across all health care professional programmes makes a strong case for the design of an interdisciplinary EBP curriculum:
- Similar approaches are relevant to and utilised in each, with the competencies required transcending the disciplines. This means there is huge scope for designing curricula and resources that can be shared.
- Interdisciplinary teams are essential for effective clinical practice. This highlights the overall value of a united commitment to, and shared understanding of, the principles of best practice.
A trans-curricular approach would not only promote the effective sharing of expertise and resources, it would align disciplines with shared EBP language, knowledge and skills, thus clearly facilitating integrated clinical practice.

Project Overview
This project brought together an interdisciplinary team of academics with a common interest in the design and delivery of EBP within their disciplines. Their co-design approach allowed them to gain valuable insight through working with an interdisciplinary team of undergraduate and postgraduate students, along with other healthcare professionals.
Project Aim
To develop a cross-discipline, vertically integrated learning outcomes framework to support EBP curriculum development, delivery, and sharing of resources across entry-level health care professional programmes.
Project Outcomes to date
- Open access interactive learning outcomes framework aligned to EBP competencies, classified according to the 5’A’s of EBP, and mapped to the cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
- A broad range of suggested learning activities, aligned with the 5'A's of EBP, generated through extensive discussion with students.
- Resources for use in EBP teaching.
Ongoing work
- Our open access learning framework has been designed to promote sharing, discussion, and ongoing iterative development of this work.
- It is hoped that the interactive Padlet platform will support growth of our Community of Practice with like-minded health professional educators feeding back and contributing to this resource.

EVIBEC Framework
The learning outcomes framework created through this project is hosted on Padlet, a collaborative platform that allows real-time interaction and sharing of materials.
Meet Our Project Team

Dr Deirdre O'Donnell
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems
View Profile.jpg)
Dr Caitriona Cunningham
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science
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