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Interview with Prof Mary Horgan, one of Ireland's best known infectious diseases specialists and medical education leaders, who was appointed by the Government to lead the design of a new emerging health threats agency.

Prof Horgan is currently Professor of Infectious Diseases at University College Dublin, and recently completed her second term as President of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, the first female in this role since its establishment in 1654, and she is a former Dean of the Medical School in University College Cork.

During her career, Prof Horgan has spearheaded the development of many medical education initiatives in Ireland, alongside a distinguished clinical and research career. Prof Horgan's work to date in this field has been instrumental in reversing the downward trend in the uptake of the HPV vaccine, being heavily involved in Ireland’s Covid-19 pandemic response, and also in tackling the HIV epidemic in Ireland.

UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: chas@ucd.ie