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Thomas S. Wheeler Lecture Series

UCD School of Chemistry Professor Thomas S. Wheeler Lecture

image of Thomas S Wheeler

The Professor Thomas S Wheeler Lecture was established 1964 to commemorate the renowned chemist who was Head of the Department (now School) of Chemistry at UCD from 1945 up to 1962. Prof. Wheeler was also Dean of UCD Faculty of Science and member of UCD's Governing Authority where he was key to the design and plans for the transfer of the Science Faculty from Merrion Street to the purpose built Science Buildings on the new Belfield Campus site. His untimely death in 1962 meant he never saw the completed buildings which he had been so dedicated and enthusiastic in planning.

Prof. Wheeler was Ireland's State Chemist from 1939 to 1945 and from 1931 to 1939 he held the role of Principal and Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Science Bombay, India and also acted as a science advisor to the government of Bombay. He assisted with the planning of several new chemistry departments in Indian universities and was a foundation fellow of the National Institute of Science of India.

Professor Thomas S. Wheeler Lecture Series

1964-1965 (opens in a new window)Prof Sir Christopher Ingold FRS

1965-1966 (opens in a new window)Prof Dorothy C Hodgkin OM FRS (Nobel Prize 1964)

1966-1967 (opens in a new window)Prof RB Woodward ForMemRS (Nobel Prize 1965)

1967-1968 (opens in a new window)Prof Derek HR Barton FRS (Nobel Prize 1969)

1968-1969 (opens in a new window)Prof Vladimir Prelog ForMemRS (Nobel Prize 1975)

1969-1970 (opens in a new window)Prof Holger GH Erdtman

1970-1971 (opens in a new window)Prof Ralph A Raphael FRS

1972-1973 (opens in a new window)Prof Sir Ewart RH Jones FRS

1974-1975 (opens in a new window)Prof Alan R Battersby FRS

1976-1977 (opens in a new window)Prof CC Addison FRS

1978-1979 (opens in a new window)Prof Alan W Johnson FRS

1980-1981 (opens in a new window)Prof Ernst Wenkert

1981-1982 (opens in a new window)Prof Eva M Philbin

1982-1983 (opens in a new window)Prof Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson FRS (Nobel Prize 1973)

1984-1985 (opens in a new window)Prof Sir Jack Lewis FRS

1991-1992 (opens in a new window)Prof Mark E Vol'pin

1996-1997 (opens in a new window)Prof Kees Vrieze

1997-1998 (opens in a new window)Prof Sir Jack Baldwin FRS

1998-1999 (opens in a new window)Prof Gilbert Stork ForMemRS

1999-2000 Prof David Brown

2000-2001 (opens in a new window)Prof Stephen Lippard

2001-2002 (opens in a new window)Prof Robert Grubbs (Nobel Prize 2005)

2004-2005 (opens in a new window)Prof Gerard Jaouen

2006-2007 (opens in a new window)Prof K Barry Sharpless (Nobel Prize 2001, 2022) 

2008-2009 (opens in a new window)Prof F Sherwood Rowland ForMemRS (Nobel Prize 1995)

2013-2014 (opens in a new window)Prof Barry M Trost

2022-2023 (opens in a new window)Prof Paul T Anastas

Contact UCD School of Chemistry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2132 / 716 2425 | E: chemistry@ucd.ie