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9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress

ICI organises

9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress

7-11 July 2024, Dublin

The  (opens in a new window)9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress took place last week in the Convention Centre in Dublin.

This highly anticipated conference was organised by the (opens in a new window)Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI) which is presided over by Professor Patrick Guiry, from UCD School of Chemistry.

In a week packed with plenary lectures by eminent chemists, invited speakers, short talks, and a series of poster presentations, UCD School of Chemistry was delighted to sponsor the lecture of (opens in a new window)Nobel Laureate Professor Sir David W. C.  MacMillan. Sir David shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2021 with Benjamin List “for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis”, and is based at Princeton University where he is the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry.

Sir David MacMillan at EuChemS 2024

Congratulations to Professor Guiry and ICI for a wonderful conference and to UCD School of Chemistry academic staff, postdocs and PhD students who presented during the week.

Contact UCD School of Chemistry

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2132 / 716 2425 | E: chemistry@ucd.ie