China-Ireland Chemistry Summer School at UCD
(中爱化学暑期学校 - 都柏林大学)
For nearly 10 years, we have welcomed students from China to the Chemistry Summer School annually. Teaching at UCD School of Chemistry is led by 31 world-leading research-active faculty members. The School has approx. 120 graduate research students spread across 33 research groups in the O’Brien Centre for Science - South and Centre For Synthesis and Chemical Biology Buildings. Each year between 20 and 25 students graduate with Taught MSc degrees and 45 and 60 students graduate with BSc (Hons) degrees while we also provide modules in chemistry to hundreds of UCD undergraduate students from diverse programmes in medicine, engineering, agriculture and science.
近十多年来,我们一直欢迎中国学生参加化学暑期学校。目前UCD 化学学院有31位在国际科
研领域领先或活跃的教员,有33个研究课题组和大约 120位研究生组成。学院每年培养20-25
Undergraduate Summer School (本科生)
We welcome undergraduate students from partner universities in China to study chemistry over the summer at UCD. The undergraduate summer school offers 3 modules taught by academic members of staff, covering Inorganic, Physical and Organic Chemistry topics (3 x 5 ECTS). Instruction is entirely in English, and based on UCD’s undergraduate curriculum, with a mix of small-class lectures, individual hands-on lab experience for each student, tutorials and lecturer-led workshops. This summer school is most suitable for university students in Year 1-3. Students take each module in sequence: each module runs over 3 weeks with continuous assessment and a final exam. The final syllabus and module order is confirmed each year in Spring. The material taught draws on the research experience of our faculty.
学、物理化学和有机化学(3 × 5 ECTS*)。课程设置基于UCD的本科生科目,为全英文授课
Students receive a transcript at the end of the Summer School listing the grades achieved in each module and explaining UCDs grade system. Copies of these transcripts are also returned to the students’ home universities.
Students registered to the summer school will be provided with:
- On-campus accommodation (own bedroom organised in 4 or 6 bedroom apartments)
- An admission letter to support their visa application
- Welcome and Orientation Events on arrival including a social reception, tours of campus and the school
- A Welcome pack including a laboratory coat (on loan for the duration of the summer school) and safety glasses
- Dedicated school administrator for day-to-day advice and support (no appointment necessary) Monday to Friday
- Support from Programme Director and Deputy Programme Director as required
时抄送给你所在的学校。 参与暑期学校的学生我们将提供以下帮助:
- 校内住宿(4房或6房内的独立卧室)
- 支持申请签证的录取函
- 熟悉校园活动包括欢迎招待会、校园和学院参观活动等
- 学习礼包(含实验服及防护眼镜等)
- 学院行政专员悉心咨询与服务(无需预约)
- 项目负责人的支持与关心
The Teaching Contact Hours per module is outlined below:
Postgraduate Summer School (研究生)
We also welcome a small number of selected MSc or PhD research students to spend the summer period as visiting researchers. They will each be hosted by a UCD School of Chemistry research group, led by a faculty member and will integrate into a European research setting to develop a project. The host group will have the opportunity to learn about research in China, and may lead to future collaborative research between both universities. In parallel to lab work, visiting students will complete a 2.5 ECTS graduate module, building research skills and competency communicating science in the English language. Topics include:
- Writing reports on chemistry research seminars
- Writing about your work experience
- Competency with UCD’s research culture,
- including health and safety regulations
- Ability to complete risk assessments in English
- Presentation of your summer research project
- 撰写学术报告摘要
- 撰写研究工作经历
- 融入都柏林大学研究氛围
- 熟悉实验室健康与安全规章
- 英文完成实验室药品风险评估能力
- 暑期研究总结陈述
* ECTS欧洲学分转换及积累系统,可用于不同国家或机构之间转移和积累学分。其中1 学分
通常代表 25-30 小时的学习工作量(包括上课、复习、自学)。
Student Testimonials:
"It was a great experience, I learned useful knowledge, felt the academic atmosphere of the Irish university, and also experienced the cultural life in Ireland. It was really wonderful."
"This is a wonderful and meaningful experience. I hope your school's summer activities can continue to improve and thrive."
"The professors and teaching assistants are very patient, always ready to answer any questions."
"很喜欢。我觉得已经非常完美了. I like it very much. I think it is perfect."
"The explanations are very clear and explicit, the experiments are also very interesting, and the exams are thought-provoking."
"The teachers' explanations are smooth, clear, and enthusiastic, and they are very patient in answering questions."
"我太喜欢UCD了!3个月太短了!希望以后有机会再来爱尔兰! 用一句古诗来告别吧: 青山一道同风雨,明月何曾是两乡 I love UCD so much. 3 months is too short! I hope to come back to Ireland sometime in the future! Let's say goodbye with an old Chinese poem: Though separated by mountains, we’ll share the same clouds and rain. The bright moon belongs not to a single town."
"Excellent accommodation facilities"
"The accommodation and housekeeping was really good"
"The professors and teaching assistants are very patient, always ready to answer any questions"
"The difficulty level of the teaching is moderate, and the teacher will always keep an eye on whether we can keep up with the lessons based on our responses, explaining abstract concepts with real-life examples"
For more information on how your university can take part please contact:
Programme Director: (opens in a new window)Dr Xiangming Zhu Email: (opens in a new window)
Deputy Programme Director: (opens in a new window)Dr Joseph Byrne Email: (opens in a new window)