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ISPE Annual Seminar

Friday, 31 August, 2018

UCD Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering students, (L-R)Itzcoatl Gomez Aquino (PhD student), Ronaldo Lukason (ME Intern, Lilly), Ronan Horgan (ME Intern, MSD) & Catherine Galvin (ME Intern, AbbVie) pictured at the ISPE Annual Meeting, Cork, April 2018.

The ISPE Ireland Affiliate held its 2018 Annual Meeting, including a National Seminar and Gala Dinner, in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork, on April 26 2018.

The seminar on "Productivity & Innovation in Advanced Pharma Manufacturing - Latest Trends and Breakthrough Approaches" featured distinguished national and international speakers from operating and service companies addressing key emerging trends in the sector. Prof. Brian Glennon, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering and APC Senior Director and Co-Founder (with Dr. Mark Barrett), spoke on “Latest Development & Manufacturing Trends in Pharma”.

Three UCD students, Itzcoalt Gomez Aquino (a Year 2 PhD student, working with Dr. Ioscani Jimenez Del Val) and ME Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering students, Catherine Galvin (on ME Internship, Jan-Dec 2018, with AbbVie, Carrigtwohill) and Ronan Horgan (on ME Internship, Jan-Dec 2018, with MSD, Ballydine) attended the Seminar and Gala Dinner in receipt of ISPE Ireland Affiliate Student Bursaries, generously supported by Eli Lilly, Janssen and Jacobs Engineering.

The School gratefully acknowledges the support of the ISPE Ireland Affiliate, in particular, ISPE Ireland Affiliate President, Eamon Judge and the sponsoring organisations in facilitating UCD student attendance at this event.

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)