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Carthy Business Plan Award

In the 5-Year Integrated Masters (ME) degree programme in Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering, students have the option to take the module CHEN40660-CBE Business Plan.This award is divided amongst the group members who produces the best Business Plan as determined by the Module instructors.

The Carthy Business Plan Award 2023 was awarded to Alfred Olayinka Alo, Stephen Kieran & Chenwei Lin.

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to James Watson

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to James Watson

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to Jia-Yi Chai

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to Jia-Yi Chai

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to Jack Donnelly

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2022. Carthy Business Plan Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to Jack Donnelly


Jake Warde, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2021


Andrew Tutty, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2021


Jack O'Connor, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2021


Abdullah Ahmed, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2020


Claire Riordan, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2020


Fionnan Madden, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2020


Rahaf Khalaf, Carthy Business Plan Award Recipient 2020

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)