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Mark Carthy Graduate Research Project Award

Mark Carthy, a UCD Chemical Engineering Graduate from the Class of 1982, and now Managing Partner, Orion Healthcare Equity Partners, Boston, USA, has, since 2008, supported an award for the highest-ranking Research Project(s) submitted by Final Year students. The inaugural recipient of the Award was Mark Jenkinson (BE 2008). 

All Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering students, working individually or in pairs, undertake research projects during the final year of their studies. The Mark Carthy Award (€1000 per project) is awarded to the best project(s), as judged by the academic staff.

Anna Caslin receiving Mark Carthy Graduate Research Award 2023

UCD Engineering Graduates Association, EGA Gold Medal & Award Ceremony 2023. Carthy Graduate Research Project Award presented by Dr Jessica Whelan, Head Of School, Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering to Anna Caslin.


Niamh O'Connell, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2021 

Saoirse McNally, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2020


Alex Devanne, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2020, .

Laura Young, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2019, pictured with her parents.

2019 Research Project Award Alexander Buckley 

Alexander Buckley, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2019, pictured with his parents.

Katie Kilcoyne, BE 2018, recipient of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award 2018, pictured with her parents.

Presented by Prof. Eoin Casey, Head of School, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering on behalf of sponsor, Mark Carthy (UCD BE ChemE 1982) to: Clare Horgan, BE 2017 (shown here with her parents, John & Louise Horgan). A paper associated with Clare's prize-winning Research Project has been published in the (opens in a new window)Engineers Journal.

Pictured: Art O'Connor, BE 2016 & Family 

Presented by Prof. Eoin Casey, Head of School, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering on behalf of sponsor, Mark Carthy (UCD ChemE 1982) to: Art O'Connor, BE 2016

Niamh MacFhionnlaoich, winner of the 2015 Carthy Graduate Research Project Award, with her parents and Prof. Eoin Casey, Head, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

Katherine Roche, winner of the 2015 Carthy Graduate Research Project Award, with her parents, grandmother and Prof. Eoin Casey, Head, UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering.

Andrea Doherty, winner of the Carthy Graduate Research Project Award, pictured with her parents at the 2014 EGA Awards' Ceremony

2013 Carthy Award Winner, Donal Finegan, congratulated by Professor Don MacElroy.

2013 Carthy Award Winner, Donal Finegan, congratulated by Professor Don MacElroy.

2012 Carthy Award Winners, Ashley Humenik & Justine Forkin congratulated by Dermot Malone.

2012 Carthy Award Winners, Ashley Humenik & Justine Forkin congratulated by Dermot Malone.

2011 Carthy Award Winner, Meabh Doyle, is congratulated by Professor Don MacElroy.

2011 Carthy Award Winner, Meabh Doyle, is congratulated by Professor Don MacElroy.

2010 Carthy Award Winner, David Loughrey, is congratulated by Padraic Somers.

2010 Carthy Award Winner, David Loughrey, is congratulated by Padraic Somers.

2009 Carthy Award Winner, Ronan Whelan, is congratulated by Prof. Don MacElroy.

2009 Carthy Award Winner, Ronan Whelan, is congratulated by Prof. Don MacElroy.

Contact UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1825 | E: scbe.enquiries@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)