Disorder Contained Press Release

Research informs new play exploring effect of solitary confinement on mental health
The mid-19th century saw the ‘Separate System’ (solitary confinement) introduced in the UK and Ireland, originally intended to enable prisoners to reflect and reform.
Concerns quickly raised about effects on prisoner health: hallucinations, delusions, self-harm
Regime continued to be implemented in prisons despite evidence of damage to prisoners
Usage later became associated with punishment rather than reform
Solitary confinement still in use today despite its devastating impact on mental health - how can nothing have changed in over 150 years?
Researchers from UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland at University College Dublin and the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick have teamed up with theatre group, Talking Birds, to explore the devastating effect of solitary confinement in a new play, Disorder Contained: a theatrical examination of madness, prison and solitary confinement.
The play will be performed at the Smock Alley Theatre 1662, in Dublin running from 12 July to 14 July before moving on to Belfast on 15 July and London later this summer. This part of a series of plays dedicated to bringing research on the history of mental health and its institutions to a wider audience.
In Disorder Contained Coventry’s Talking Birds combine music, song, compassion, and humour to explore the rationale behind solitary confinement and prisoners’ responses to it. Set in the mid-19th century, the ‘Separate System’, the spiritually-inspired adaptation of solitary confinement intended to enable prisoners to repent their crimes, is being introduced to British and Irish prisons. However, concerns about the detrimental impact of the prison system on the mental health of inmates are mounting, putting pressure on prison staff, prompting governmental enquiries, and coming to feature persistently in the agendas of prison reform organisations.
This interdisciplinary production aims to make the findings of academic research accessible to the public in an entertaining form that also opens up conversations about mental illness and its history. Talking Birds have worked closely with Catherine Cox at University College Dublin and Hilary Marland at the University of Warwick to interpret their research, drawing on contemporaneous documents, such as prisoners’ memoirs, doctors’ case notes, and the reflections of prison staff.
Professor Hilary Marland, Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine at the University of Warwick says, “The Separate System was originally conceived by prison chaplains, doctors and governors as a way for prisoners to reflect upon their crimes and reform. Prisons were built to totally prohibit contact between prisoners, who wore masks when moved around the prison and were placed in individual booths, or ‘coffins’, when attending chapel. Prisoners described how the regime put each man in his ‘private hell’.”
Associate Professor Catherine Cox, Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine at University College Dublin in Ireland said, “Evidence that the Separate System caused hallucinations, delusions, and insanity quickly became overwhelming. But rather than being abandoned, the elements of penitence and reform were reduced and the system transformed into a regime of harsh and deliberate punishment, one that has endured until the present day.”
Writer and Director Peter Cann explains the challenge of interpreting the research: “This show is the final part in a trilogy of work we’ve made together exploring insanity, its treatment and containment in the 18th and 19th centuries. Over time, we have developed a way of working that takes historical material – which makes for fascinating if rather grim reading – translating it into characters and stories which resonate with today’s issues.”
There will be expert panel discussion after the Thursday evening performance in Dublin, providing opportunities for audience members to discuss the making of the piece with researchers and the theatre company, and to engage in debate on issues raised by the performance.
Tickets to Disorder Contained: a theatrical examination of madness, prison and solitary confinement are available on the Smock Alley Theatre website: (opens in a new window)smockalley.com
Show dates and times
Venue: Smock Alley Theatre 1662, 6-7 Exchange Street, Lower Temple Bar, Dublin
Wed 12 July 20:00 & post show discussion with creative team
Thu 13 July 20:00 & post show expert panel
Fri 14 July 15:00 & 20:00
Tickets: (opens in a new window)smockalley.com
Venue: The MAC, 10 Exchange Street, Belfast BT1 2LS
Dates: Sat 15 July 19.30 & post show expert panel
Tickets: (opens in a new window)https://themaclive.com/
Age guidance: 12+
Social media
Twitter: @birdmail @HistPrisnHealth #disorder
Venue: Shop Front Theatre, City Arcade, Coventry, CV1 3HW
Thu 29 June 19:30 & post show discussion with creative team
Fri 30 June 14:30 & 19:30
Sat 1 July 14:30 & 17:30 & post show expert panel
Tickets: (opens in a new window)http://bit.ly/DisorderTickets