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Citizen Rural Research Lab

Engagement & Evidence for Rural Transitions

The Citizen Rural Research Lab is based in the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science. The lab is led by Associate Professor Karen Keaveney, a rural geographer and spatial planner with expertise and interest in rural citizenship, democratic decision-making, community empowerment, and evidence for policy.

Rural areas are undergoing continous transitions and challenges. We are interested in understanding how communities can engage positively with these challenges; and developing and applying approaches to co-create evidence and co-design policy for rural sustainability. We work across disciplines within UCD and beyond, and partner with civil society, government and industry to address challenges for the changing countryside. Explore our projects to learn about what we do.

Explore the latest Citizen Rural Research Lab Output
The Citizen Data Roscommon interactive web-portal

Contact the Citizen Rural Research Lab

UCD Agriculture and Food Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7858 | E: karen.keaveney@ucd.ie |