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Student Prize winner at 12 th International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Software 2024

Wednesday, 24 July, 2024

Ms Samira Islam presenting at the iEMSs International ConferenceMs Samira Islam presenting at the iEMSs International Conference

Congratulations to Ms. Samira Islam, Master of Engineering student from the UCD School of Civil Engineering, who received third prize in the iEMSs Student Prizes at the 12th International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) held in East Lansing, Michigan, USA in June. Samira presented her work on leak monitoring in water distribution networks, which used multi-agent systems, machine learning and GPR. This was the topic of her masters research project, completed under the guidance of Assistant Professor David Ayala-Cabrera.

l to r: Professor Karina Gibert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Dr David Ayala-Cabrera (UCD), Ms Samira Islam (UCD) and Professor Stefan Reis (Fellow at UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)l to r: Professor Karina Gibert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Dr David Ayala-Cabrera (UCD), Ms Samira Islam (UCD) and Professor Stefan Reis (Fellow at UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

The iEMSs Student Prizes are peer reviewed awards presented to the best student presentations at the conference. The evaluation criteria include: scientific excellence (hypothesis, experiment, discussion and conclusions), clarity, flow and organization
of the presentation, confidence and clarity of the content, creativity/novelty of the work, and engagement of the audience.
The (opens in a new window)iEMSs  is a biannual international conference that seeks to generate and use tools to promote decision making in the context of resources and environmental issues.

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