News and Events
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- Archive
- Data Fusion Contest
- UCD Engineering shortlisted for Engineers Ireland Excellence Award
- Medal awarded to UCD postgrad in ITRN 2011 held in Cork
- IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy in Dublin
- Most downloaded paper in QJEGH in September
- 100,000 Downloads of Civil Engineering Papers
- Vibration Based Condition Monitoring: A Review
- Luke Prendergast wins “Best Paper” in Geotechnics at CERI 2014
- 5th annual conference of Irish Transport Research Network
- Welcome to 1st year Engineering Students
- Graduates of the ME in Structural Engineering with Architecture
- Professor OBrien selected as European Champion of Transport Research
- ERC POC success
- UCD Civil Engineer Student gets third place in 2013 ICE Graduate Award
- Novel foundations systems for offshore wind
- Luke Prendergast speaking at the TEDxUCD event on Wednesday 12th June
- Dr. Long and co-authors receive John Mitchell Medal
- David Coyne, graduated in UCD, nominated for Young Geo Eng of the Year
- Dr. Ken Gavin (BaTIR) plays role examining offshore foundation systems
- ICE key article on design, construction and performance of deep
- UCD Earth Institute Industry Showcase Day
- PhD student selected to present at the prestigious Falling Walls Lab
- Engineers Without Borders Challenge
- Best Paper in Bridges at 2012 Bridge and Concrete Irish Research
- Best Paper in Geotechnical Engineering at 2012 Bridge & Concrete
- UCD article amongst the most downloaded from "Sound&Vibration" in last
- UCD record of PhD graduates from Civil Engineering in 2012
- Best Paper Prize at 2012 ICWIM conference in Dallas
- Impending Shortage of Civil Engineering Students
- Professor Eugene OBrien Interview on Weigh-In-Motion
- Civil Engineering Staff Member Appointed to Steering Group for rx3
- Winning back business from road? The potential for rail freight
- Staff Vs 5th SEA celebrity rugby match (29th March 2012)
- Staff Vs 4th Civil celebrity football match (1st March 2012)
- 2nd edition of the book Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design
- UCD School of Civil Engineering joins EUCEET
- First place for student challenge in International Masonry Conference
- Enhancing Performance through a Competitive Team Tournament
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN (TRUSS) coordinated by Civil Engineering
- 3D printing facilities in Civil Engineering, Newstead
- Lectures on Solids Waste Management by Prof Ange Nzihou
- Biannual lecture by Geotech Soc named on honour of Eamon Hanrahan
- TEAM project published in the stories section of Horizon 2020 website
- Stage 2 Design and Communications award winners in 2015-16
- Award from Science Foundation Ireland won by Professor O'Brien
- Outreach Activity in Willow Park Junior School
- Congratulations to Luke Prendergast, ESAI Postgrad Researcher of 2015
- Augmented reality comes to UCD Civil Engineering
- Constructing Social Spaces
- Researchers at Civil Engineering awarded Charlemont Scholarships
- 'Le Tour de France', Technology enriched learning featured in T&L show
- Royal Irish Academy painting the portrait of Prof. Debra Laefer
- Civil Engineering paper in 2016 Publications Wall of Frames
Augmented reality comes to UCD Civil Engineering
Thursday, 18 August, 2016
Mr. Soroosh Jalilvand, a doctoral student in the School of Civil Engineering at UCD, with support provided by Prof. Debra Laefer, has brought high-tech visualisation into the teaching arena for geotechnics and surveying through the implementation of a soil/water augmented reality system. The Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox is the first of its kind in Irish universities. It is based on a concept first developed as part of a National Science Foundation funded project lead by W.M. Keck Center for Active Visualization in the Earth Sciences, KeckCAVES, at the UC Davis. The AR sandbox is a scientific educational tool that was primarily developed at UCD to help 2nd-year Civil Engineering students enrolled in the Construction Practice module to obtain a first-hand experience with concepts such as topography and contouring. The AR Sandbox has since attracted attention among UCD researchers and educators in Landscape Architecture and Hydrology, as well as, geosciences.