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ICE key article on design, construction and performance of deep excavations in Dublin’s fluvio-glacial gravels

Wednesday, 31 August, 2016

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The paper by Long et al. (2012) was recently (February 2013) chosen by the Institution of Civil Engineers as one of its regular “key articles”. The paper describes the design, construction and performance of deep excavations in Dublin’s fluvio-glacial gravels. Of particular concern were those projects located in the channel of the Old River Liffey, which ran somewhat to the north of the current course of the river. The paper also describes the use of geophysical techniques in the characterisation of these materials. The photo below shows the 10 m deep excavation at the Smithfield site.

Long, M., Daynes, P., Donohue, S. and Looby, M. (2012). “Retaining Wall Behaviour in Dublin’s Fuvio-glacial Gravel, Ireland”. ICE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 165, GE5, October, pp 289 – 307.

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