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- Data Fusion Contest
- UCD Engineering shortlisted for Engineers Ireland Excellence Award
- Medal awarded to UCD postgrad in ITRN 2011 held in Cork
- IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy in Dublin
- Most downloaded paper in QJEGH in September
- 100,000 Downloads of Civil Engineering Papers
- Vibration Based Condition Monitoring: A Review
- Luke Prendergast wins “Best Paper” in Geotechnics at CERI 2014
- 5th annual conference of Irish Transport Research Network
- Welcome to 1st year Engineering Students
- Graduates of the ME in Structural Engineering with Architecture
- Professor OBrien selected as European Champion of Transport Research
- ERC POC success
- UCD Civil Engineer Student gets third place in 2013 ICE Graduate Award
- Novel foundations systems for offshore wind
- Luke Prendergast speaking at the TEDxUCD event on Wednesday 12th June
- Dr. Long and co-authors receive John Mitchell Medal
- David Coyne, graduated in UCD, nominated for Young Geo Eng of the Year
- Dr. Ken Gavin (BaTIR) plays role examining offshore foundation systems
- ICE key article on design, construction and performance of deep
- UCD Earth Institute Industry Showcase Day
- PhD student selected to present at the prestigious Falling Walls Lab
- Engineers Without Borders Challenge
- Best Paper in Bridges at 2012 Bridge and Concrete Irish Research
- Best Paper in Geotechnical Engineering at 2012 Bridge & Concrete
- UCD article amongst the most downloaded from "Sound&Vibration" in last
- UCD record of PhD graduates from Civil Engineering in 2012
- Best Paper Prize at 2012 ICWIM conference in Dallas
- Impending Shortage of Civil Engineering Students
- Professor Eugene OBrien Interview on Weigh-In-Motion
- Civil Engineering Staff Member Appointed to Steering Group for rx3
- Winning back business from road? The potential for rail freight
- Staff Vs 5th SEA celebrity rugby match (29th March 2012)
- Staff Vs 4th Civil celebrity football match (1st March 2012)
- 2nd edition of the book Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design
- UCD School of Civil Engineering joins EUCEET
- First place for student challenge in International Masonry Conference
- Enhancing Performance through a Competitive Team Tournament
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN (TRUSS) coordinated by Civil Engineering
- 3D printing facilities in Civil Engineering, Newstead
- Lectures on Solids Waste Management by Prof Ange Nzihou
- Biannual lecture by Geotech Soc named on honour of Eamon Hanrahan
- TEAM project published in the stories section of Horizon 2020 website
- Stage 2 Design and Communications award winners in 2015-16
- Award from Science Foundation Ireland won by Professor O'Brien
- Outreach Activity in Willow Park Junior School
- Congratulations to Luke Prendergast, ESAI Postgrad Researcher of 2015
- Augmented reality comes to UCD Civil Engineering
- Constructing Social Spaces
- Researchers at Civil Engineering awarded Charlemont Scholarships
- 'Le Tour de France', Technology enriched learning featured in T&L show
- Royal Irish Academy painting the portrait of Prof. Debra Laefer
- Civil Engineering paper in 2016 Publications Wall of Frames
Successful Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN project (TRUSS) coordinated by UCD in H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 call
Thursday, 18 August, 2016
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) proposal (opens in a new window)TRUSS (Training in Reducing Uncertainty in Structural Safety), coordinated by the School of Civil Engineering in UCD (Dr. Arturo Gonzalez as project coordinator, Dr. Aoife Ahern as leader of training WorkPackage, Prof. Debra Laefer as leader of research WorkPackage on Buildings, Energy and Marine Infrastructure, and Prof. Eugene OBrien, Dr. Ciaran McNally and Dr. Mark Richardson as supervisors of individual projects), was favourably evaluated by the Research Executive Agency and invited to grant preparation in September 2014. The 2014 ITN call was very competitive with 1161 proposals being evaluated, out of which 121 have been retained, for a success rate of about 10.5%. In the evaluation, TRUSS scored a total result of 95.2% within the ETN category (threshold: 70/100). The details of (opens in a new window)TRUSS are:
Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme
Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014
Funding scheme: Training Networks
Proposal number: 642453
Proposal acronym: TRUSS
Duration (months): 48
Start Date: 1st January 2015
Proposal title: Training in Reducing Uncertainty in Structural Safety
Activity: ENG
Estimated Budget: €3,701,306.88
Project Officer: Ms Concepcion Perez Camaras
The growth of cities, impacts of climate change and the massive cost of providing new infrastructure provide the impetus for (opens in a new window)TRUSS which aims to maximize the potential of infrastructure that already exists. If flaws in a structure can be identified early, the cost of repair will be vastly reduced, and here an effective monitoring system would allow identifying the optimum time to repair as well as improving structural safety. But safety is difficult to quantify and requires a deep understanding of the uncertainty associated to measurements and models for the structure and loads. For that purpose, (opens in a new window)TRUSS brings together an intersectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration between 4 Universities, 11 Industry participants and 1 research institute from 5 European countries. The consortium shares expertise and offers training at an advanced level to qualify 14 PhD students for dealing with the challenges of an aging infrastructure stock.
Please note that call for applicants to PhD studentships in (opens in a new window)TRUSS is opened now. A brief description can be found in TRUSS vacancies and further details are provided below:
(opens in a new window)TRUSS offers highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions. There are 14 Early Stage Researchers (PhD students) positions starting in August or September 2015. Each position is for a period of 36 months. The recruitment is done on a competitive basis across all applicants for the projects (note host country for eligibility purposes, given that you can not apply to an ESR position hosted in a country where you have resided, worked or studied for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the time of recruitment):
(opens in a new window)1-Reliability of concrete structures reinforced with braided FRP (Host: UCD, Ireland);
(opens in a new window)2-Reduction of uncertainty in assessing concrete strength of existing structures (Host: Ove Arup, Ireland);
(opens in a new window)3-Reduction of uncertainty in design of free standing nuclear spent fuel rack (Host: ENSA, Spain);
(opens in a new window)4-Probabilistic Optimization of the design of offshore wind turbine towers (Host: TCD, Ireland);
(opens in a new window)5-Integrity management of ship structures (Host: Lloyd’s Register, United Kingdom);
(opens in a new window)6-Residual life assessment and management of ship unloaders (Host: Lloyd’s Register, United Kingdom);
(opens in a new window)7-Railway Weigh-In-Motion for bridge safety (Host: FSDL, United Kingdom);
(opens in a new window)8-Probabilistic modelling of bridge damage based on damage indicators (Host: Phimeca, France);
(opens in a new window)9-Railway bridge condition monitoring and fault diagnostics (Host: UNOTT, United Kingdom);
(opens in a new window)10-Assessment of bridge condition and safety based on measured vibration level (Host: UPC, Spain);
(opens in a new window)11-Development of optical fibre distributed sensing for SHM of bridges and large scale structures (Host: UPC, Spain);
(opens in a new window)12-Bridge damage detection using an instrumented vehicle (Host: UCD, Ireland);
(opens in a new window)13-Using truck sensors for road pavement performance investigation (Host: UNOTT, United Kingdom);
(opens in a new window)14-Reduction of uncertainty through regularized, automated road inspection (Host: UCD, Ireland).
(1) Check you meet “(opens in a new window)Eligibility criteria” and “(opens in a new window)Specific requirements” for the project/s you are applying for. If eligible, select those project/s that are more appealing to you (you can apply to more than one project to increase your chances). Full details for all positions can be downloaded from
(2) Prepare the following documents (in English):
(a) A curriculum vitae, including contact details, education (at University level and other), work experience, prizes, language skills, etc… (max. 2 pages);
(b) Official academic record of undertaken courses & grades for Bachelor (and Master if required in specific criteria) degree;
(c) A motivational letter in which the applicant describes the motivation to pursue postgraduate studies and to conduct the research project/s applied for. Mention the project number or numbers (with order of preference if any) in your motivational letter;
(d) A reference letter.
(3) Email your documents as attached files to before the 1st May 2015 deadline and mention the project number/s you are applying for in the subject line.
(4) The documents provided will be the basis for ranking your application. Successful candidates will be informed before 29th May 2015.