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GRC30340 Access Classics

Dr Martin Brady, Dr Bridget Martin and Dr Christopher Farrell have been developing and delivering a module teaching outreach skills to BA Humanities students in support of the Access Classics programme, aided by a grant from the National Foundation for Teaching and Learning. One of the many projects these students took on was to run a (opens in a new window)twitter (opens in a new window)account (opens in a new window)@(opens in a new window)accessclassics which they used to share engaging and exciting material and learn the best ways to engage with a wider public on all matters Classical. If you are on Twitter, please take the time to find their account and support their work with likes and retweets.

UCD School of Classics

Newman Building (Room K211), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8166 | E: tasneem.filaih@ucd.ie