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Meet the Classification & Attribution Lab team

Profile photo of Juwayriyah Nayyar

Juwayriyah Nayyar

Graduate Student

Juwayriyah Nayyar is a PhD candidate in the UCD School of Psychology. Juwayriyah’s research explores the experience of receiving a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in adulthood. Juwayriyah’s research is funded by a UCD ADVANCE scholarship.

Profile photo of Leigh Huggard

Leigh Huggard

Graduate Student

Leigh Huggard is a PhD student in the UCD School of Psychology, funded by an IRC Government of Ireland postgraduate scholarship. Leigh’s research explores the content of sociocultural attributions for mental illness, their distribution across the population, and their societal consequences.

Profile photo of Giulia Brown

Giulia Brown


Giulia is an intern in the Classification & Attribution Lab. Giulia is working on a new project exploring how 'trauma' is represented on TikTok.

Profile photo of Lauren Suty

Lauren Suty


Lauren is an intern in the Classification & Attribution Lab. She is working on a new project exploring how 'trauma' is represented on TikTok.

Profile photo of Julienne Debono

Julienne Debono

Research assistant

Julienne is completing an Erasmus+ traineeship in the Classification & Attribution Lab. She is working with Dr Cliódhna O'Connor on a project exploring social media representations of 'trauma'.

Profile photo of Bhargav Dave

Bhargav Dave


Bhargav Dave completed an MLitt degree in the UCD School of Psychology. Bhargav’s research investigated the psychological antecedents, correlates and consequences of framing depression in dimensional terms.