Receiving your Invitation Email
When you receive your invitation email, the following information will be included:
- The date and time of your ceremony.
- A link to confirm your attendance.
- An invitation to the ceremony for your guests..
- Car pass for parking.
Academic Robes
- Participants in the Ceremony are required to wear academic gowns.
- Gowns will be provided free of charge for the occasion and may be collected on the day from Phelan Conan Limited in the Conservatory at UCD O’Reilly Hall.
- See invitation email for details.

Registration and Guest Tickets
- On the day, go to the Conservatory in O’Reilly Hall to register. The registration desk will open one hour before your ceremony starts.
- Each award recipient may bring two guests to the Ceremony. The invitation for your guests is attached to the email sent by the Conferring team. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate additional guests.
- Guests should enter through the front doors of O'Reilly Hall, handing their tickets to staff as they go inside.
Car Parking
- A limited number of parking spaces are reserved for the Awards Ceremony.
- Vehicles should enter the Belfield Campus via the N11 entrance and follow the directions of the traffic stewards.
- Vehicles must be parked in a designated space with the car pass displayed on the dashboard. Entry to reserved car parking is strictly by car pass only (see invitation email for car pass).

Map of UCD Belfield
Use the (opens in a new window)UCD Interactive Map to help plan your visit.
Contact UCD Conferring
Ground Floor - Open Plan, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4Email us through our brand-new connector! Click "Contact" at the top right of the page