Go to
- Map of UCD Belfield Campus
- Receiving your Invitation Email
- Arriving on Campus
- Robes and Photography
- Registration and Guest Tickets
- Lining up for the Procession
- Processing into the Hall
- During the Conferring Ceremony
- After the Ceremony
- Gender Identity and Expression
- UCD University Club
- Conferring Checklist

Map of UCD Belfield Campus
Map of the UCD December Conferrings 2024
The (opens in a new window)UCD Interactive Map will help you plan your visit.
Use the filter options to find a particular location on campus.

Receiving your Invitation Email
When you receive your invitation email, the following information will be included:
- The date and time of your ceremony.
- A link to confirm your attendance and download your conferring information pack.
- A link to SISWeb so that you can check your name.
Important Information Below!
Once you receive this email, you must do the following:
- Check your SISWeb to make sure your name is spelt correctly. However, we would recommend that you check your name after receiving your final results.
- Confirm your attendance and download your conferring pack before the deadline.
- Order your robes through (opens in a new window)Phelan Conan Robemakers in good time. Please consult our academic dress page to see what type of robe you will be wearing.
- If you wish, contact (opens in a new window)Lafayette Photography to book your photos for the day of the ceremony.
- If you wish to get an (opens in a new window)English translation of your scroll from the National University of Ireland, we recommend that you put in this request now. If you want the English scroll presented with your Latin scroll at the ceremony, inform the NUI to send the scroll to the Conferring Unit when you are making the request.
- At this point, your conferring date will be on your transcripts. You can contact the Student Desk to order a copy of your transcripts.
Please note that your invitation email is unique to you, please do not share it with any other student.
Important: If you have not received an invitation email, please check your SISWeb to see if you have passed all of your modules or if you have any holds on your account. If you have passed and have no holds, please contact us as soon as possible.

Arriving on Campus
On the day of the ceremony, you should arrive at UCD about 90 minutes before the ceremony starts.
If parking, please ensure that you put your car pass on the dashboard of the car.
Follow the signage on the day and allow enough time to move between locations for robes and photos! The ceremony itself will be in O'Reilly Hall.

Robes and Photography
Once you arrive on campus, you should collect your robe. If possible, we would recommend that you pick up your robe the evening before the ceremony to save time on the day.
When you pick up your robe, make sure it is the correct one. Staff from Phelan Conan will be available to assist you with any queries and help you put on your robe correctly.
You can get your photographs taken with Lafayette Photography if you wish. We would also recommend that if you want to get photos taken, you should arrive a bit earlier and have them taken before the ceremony.
Once you have collected your robe and taken your photographs, you and your guests should make your way to O'Reilly Hall.

Registration and Guest Tickets
Go to the Conservatory in O’Reilly Hall to register and collect your two guest tickets. Registration will open 75 minutes before the start of your ceremony.
Once there, give the staff your student number and what you were studying. If there are any issues at this point, a member of the UCD Conferring Team will be on hand to help you.
Give your guests their tickets. They should enter through the front doors of O'Reilly Hall, handing their tickets to staff as they go inside.
Guests can scan the QR code that will be available in the foyer and throughout O'Reilly Hall to access the programme for the ceremony.

Lining up for the Procession
When you register, you will be given a yellow or blue ticket with a number on it; the colour corresponds to the line you should join for the procession into the main hall.
You will need to line up in the Conservatory, in numerical order, 15 minutes before your ceremony is due to start.
The QR Code that contains the programme will also be in the Conservatory, we recommend that you scan this so you can follow it during the ceremony.

Processing into the Hall
When you start to process in, you need to remain in your line and to remain in numerical order.
Please follow the stewards into the hall and they will show you where you sit.
Once you get to your seat, you can sit down until the ceremony starts.
During the Conferring Ceremony
Once you are in the hall, you will be asked to stand during the academic procession going in and out of the hall, and when you are being conferred with your degree.
Please follow the instructions of the stewards when you are in the hall.
We would ask the graduands and guests to restrain their applause until the end of each particular degree or where indicated.
Please note that the conferring ceremonies are live streamed and the names of the graduands who have decided to confer in absentia will also be called out.
Conferring ceremonies last for approximately 60 - 90 minutes.

After the Ceremony
When the ceremony is over you will process out of the hall.
Don't forget to return your robes after you have taken your photos.
Quick tip! If you are making dinner reservations, make them for about 90 minutes after the ceremony is due to end. This is because the ceremony may last longer due to a large number of graduands being conferred or because an honorary recipient is being conferred.

Gender Identity and Expression
Under the (opens in a new window)Gender Identity and Expression Policy, UCD Conferring will facilitate students to choose which name to be used at their Conferring Ceremony. Where a student does not provide legal documentation in advance of graduation, the student is notified that parchments will be issued in their legal name. The student is asked to confirm which name they would like to be called by at the ceremony and printed in the conferring booklet/website etc. This does not have to match their legal name on the parchment.
Where a student provides legal documentation. They can confirm which name is to be included on parchment, called out at the graduation ceremony etc.
For Further information please see "Gender identity & expression" on our FAQ page.
UCD University Club
During the week of conferring ceremonies, the University Club (beside O'Reilly Hall) will be open. Refreshments and lunch are available here for guests and graduands.
You can also make a reservation for dinner if you wish.
Conferring Checklist
Read or download the UCD Conferring Checklist for a handy guide to what you need to do.
Contact UCD Conferring
Ground Floor - Open Plan, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4Email us through our brand-new connector! Click "Contact" at the top right of the page