The Centre for Constitutional Studies promotes research and discussion of constitutional law and politics in Ireland, Europe and internationally.

About the Centre
The Centre has three core objectives:
- Undertaking independent, rigorous and multi-disciplinary research into constitutional law and politics in Ireland, Europe and internationally;
- Facilitating engagement between experts, policy-makers and interested parties on constitutional questions; and
- Promoting public knowledge and education on constitutional matters.
The Centre is housed in the Sutherland School of Law in UCD. It provides an open space for discussion and collaboration between scholars and practitioners from different disciplines and different institutions. Membership is open to all, reflecting its tradition of collaboration in research, events and publications with practitioners, policy-makers and scholars from other institutions in Ireland and internationally. The Centre was originally established in 2010 as the UCD Constitutional Studies Group. The success of the Group was recognised when it was awarded Centre status by the university in 2017.
Professor Eoin Carolan is the Director of the Centre. His profile can be viewed here.
The Deputy Director of the Centre is Dr Sarah Fulham-McQuillan. Her profile can be (opens in a new window)viewed here.
The Centre's Chief Outreach Officer is Seána Glennon, who is currently a Doctoral Scholar at the School of Law. Her profile can be viewed here.