The ConventCollections research team continues to develop a range of research outputs including stand alone book publications, contributions to edited works, and peer reviewed journal articles. Much of our research is carried out at national and international congregational archives. We are committed to sharing our research and the data collection process through our text publications and also our digitial and online platforms. Some of our recent outputs are captured below:
ConventCollections Publications
(2024) Deirdre Raftery, Irish Nuns and Education in the Anglophone World: a Transnational History (Palgrave MacMillan).
(2023) Deirdre Raftery (ed.), New Turns in the History of Education in Ireland (Routledge).
(2022) Deirdre Raftery, Teresa Ball and Loreto Education: Convents and the Colonial World, 1794-1875 (Dublin: Four Courts Press).
(2020) Deirdre Raftery and Catherine KilBride, The Benedictine Nuns and Kyelmore Abbey (Dublin: Irish Academic Press).
(2019) Deirdre Raftery, Catriona Delaney and Catherine Nowlan Roebuck, Nano Nagle: the Life and the Legacy (Dublin: Irish Academic Press).
(2016) Deirdre Raftery and Elizabeth Smyth (eds.,) Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800-1950: Convents, Classrooms and Colleges (USA and UK: Routledge).
(2009) Deirdre Raftery and C KilBride, Infant Jesus Sisters Ireland, 1909-2009: The Voyage Out. (Dublin: Infant Jesus Sisters Centenary Committee/Origin).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
(2021) Deirdre Raftery and Deirdre Bennett. 'Female enterprise, architectural ambition, and the construction of convents' in T. Allender, S. Spencer (eds.), ‘Femininity’ and the History of Women’s Education (Palgrave Macmillan: Cham). (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54233-7_8
(2018) Catherine Nowlan-Roebuck and Deirdre Raftery, ‘Portrait of a Foundress: Nano Nagle and Catholic Education in Ireland’ in B. Flanagan, M.T. O'Brien and A.M. O'Leary (eds), Nano Nagle and An Evolving Charism (Veritas: Cork).
(2016) Catherien Nowlan-Roebuck, ‘Sisters as teachers in nineteenth-century Ireland: the Presentation Order’, in D. Raftery and E. Smyth (eds), Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800-1950 (Routledge: Oxon).
(2015) Deirdre Raftery, 'Teaching Sisters and transnational networks: recruitment and education expansion in the long nineteenth century', in Deirdre Raftery and Marie Clarke, (eds.,) Transnationalism, Gender and the History of Education (USA and UK: Routledge) (opens in a new window)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2015.1052023
(2014) Catherine Nowlan-Roebuck, ‘The Presentation Order and National Education in Nineteenth-Century Ireland’ in D. Raftery and K. Fisher (eds), Educating Ireland Schooling and Social Change, 1700-2000 (Irish Academic Press: Kildare).
(2012) Deirdre Raftery and Martina Relihan 'Faith and the Nation' in Mass Education and the Limits of State Building, 1870-1930 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
Journal Articles
(2022) Deirdre Raftery and Catriona Delaney, ‘Teaching vocation or religious vocation: examining the changing identity of Irish teaching sisters, c. 1940-70, an oral history approach.’ Irish Educational Studies. (opens in a new window)doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2022.2074074.
(2022) Deirdre Raftery and Catriona Delaney. 'Irish nuns in the anglophone world, 1800-1900'. Journal of Feminist Theology. (opens in a new window)doi.org/10.1177/09667350221085167.
(2021) Ellen Regan and Deirdre Raftery. 'Out of Africa: oral histories of overseas volunteering in education, c. 1950-2010'. History of Education. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1080/0046760X.2021.1884754
(2020) Catriona Delaney and Deirdre Raftery. 'Becoming "everything rolled into one": understanding how sister-teachers experienced the immediate impact of the free education scheme, c. 1958-1968, an oral history approach'. Journal of Educational Administration and History. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2020.1854204
(2020) Deirdre Raftery. Convents as transnational education spaces in the long nineteenth century. Espacio, Tiempo y Education, 7(2).(opens in a new window)http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.306
(2018) Deirdre Raftery, Catriona Delaney and Deirdre Bennett. The legacy of a pioneer of female education in Ireland: tercentennial considerations of Nano Nagle and Presentation Schooling. History of Education, 48-2. (opens in a new window)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2018.1544293
(2017) Deirdre Raftery. "The ‘third wave’ is digital: Researching Histories of Women Religious in the Twenty-first Century". American Catholic Studies, 128:2, 29-50.
(2015) Deirdre Raftery. 'Teaching Sisters and transnational networks: recruitment and education expansion in the long nineteenth century'. History of Education, 44:6, 717-728.
(opens in a new window)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2015.1052023
(2013) Deirdre Raftery. '“Je suis d'aucune Nation”: the recruitment and identity of Irish women religious in the international mission field, c. 1840-1940'. Paedagogica Historica, 49 (4): 513-530. (opens in a new window)https://researchrepository.ucd.ie/handle/10197/7926
(2013) Deirdre Raftery. 'Rebels with a cause: obedience, resistance and convent life, 1800-1940'. History of Education, 42 (6). (opens in a new window)https://researchrepository.ucd.ie/handle/10197/8696
(opens in a new window)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2013.826288
(2012) Deirdre Raftery. 'Religions in the history of education: a historiography'. History of Education. 41 (1). (opens in a new window)https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2011.640355
(2012) Deirdre Raftery. 'The 'mission' of nuns in female education in Ireland, c. 1850-1950'. Paedagogica Historica, 48 (2). (opens in a new window)https://researchrepository.ucd.ie/handle/10197/7659
Digital / Online Exhibitions
- Carysfort College Registers, 1883-1922 (opens in a new window)https://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:271000
- The Collected Letters of Nano Nagle (opens in a new window)http://digital.ucd.ie/view/ucdlib:153347
- Nano Nagle Tercentenary Online Exhibition (opens in a new window)https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/EALyhniHf4JAJQ
- Loreto, the Green and 1916 (opens in a new window)http://dx.doi.org/10.7925/drs1.ucdlib_45795
- Loreto and 1916 Online Exhibition (opens in a new window)https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/nQLSZ7OXNFm3KA