CNWY40160 Applied Proteomics
About the course
Designed for students who wish to understand and become critically aware of principles, practice and applications of the rapidly developing proteomic technologies.
Credits ECTS 5
Dates 22 April - 13 May 2025
Schedule 10 sessions (lectures and practical workshops)
Module coordinator Prof. Matthias Wilm
Venue Onsite - UCD Conway Institute
Registration Closes: 15 April
Places available 20 maximum - limited to the number of spaces available for the practical sessions
Course structure
The module will be delivered in 10 stand-alone blocks, each one composed of 3hr seminar-style sessions (mornings) and 3hr practical sessions (afternoons)
Credit requirements
Mid-course & end course evaluation session: MCQs + problem-based assessment
What does it cover?
- Refresher of protein biochemistry
- Gel-based and gel-free separations
- Mass spectrometric techniques
- Post-translational modifications and interactomics
- Protein arrays technology
- Proteomic bioinformatics
- Validation techniques
- Clinical applications of proteomics
Why enrol?
On completion, you will be able to:
- Understand protein biochemistry principles and be able to apply them to protein separation and purification
- Have acquired critical awareness of differences between gel-based and gel-free proteomic approaches and be able to run simple electrophoretic separations
- Demonstrate understanding of the distinction between resolution, accuracy, sensitivity and throughput of a mass spectrometer
- Formulate the principles of MALDI and ESI mass spectrometry, demonstrate knowledge of the different mass analyzers and detectors and integrate this knowledge with the application of modern methods in label-assisted and label-free quantitative proteomics
- Be familiar with the techniques for mass spectrometric analysis of intact proteins, protein complexes and their application in the pharmaceutical industry
- Know the strengths and how to counteract the pitfalls of a quantitative proteomic analysis
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the most important post-translational modifications of proteins and of methods for their analysis
- Be familiar with the different techniques used to study protein-protein interactions.
- Demonstrate understanding of the theory and practice of mass spectrometry data handling with some of the most common bioinformatic algorithms
- Demonstrate critical awareness of proteomic validation techniques. In particular, be familiar with SRM (selected reaction monitoring) by triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry
- Be aware of the most up-to-date global proteomic investigation techniques
- Be able to judge the strengths and limitations of global proteomic investigations
- Be able to evaluate and describe the impact of the application of proteomic analyses to relevant biomedical and clinical set-ups
- Be able to critically assess the difficulties involved in investigating different clinical specimens
Next steps
- Register via the UCD Graduate Studies website or contact your School graduate administrator.
- Download the schedule for CNWY40160 Applied Proteomics 2025
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