CNWY41160 Proteomic Data Analysis
About the course
Designed to learn how to use modern mass spectrometric protein analysis tools in biological and medical research
Credits ECTS 2.5
Dates 20 May- 21 May 2025
Module coordinator Prof. Matthias Wilm
Registration Closes: 10 May
Venue: Onsite - UCD Conway Institute (room TBC)
Places available 24
Course structure
The module is delivered over two days in-person in the UCD Conway Institute
Credit requirements
Participation, autonomously solving proteomic data analysis requirements
What does it cover?
Use of sophisticated software to identify proteins from mass spectrometric data
Use of sophisticated software for the quantitative analysis of proteomic data
Use of sophisticated software for the statistical analysis of proteomic data
Use of sophisticated software for the analysis of targeted proteomic data
Choosing the correct mass spectrometric analysis regime to answer the scientific question behind their biological research
Why enrol?
To plan and execute proteomic experiments
To learn about specific mass spectometry regimes used to answer specific biological questions
Next steps
- Download the schedule
- Register via the UCD Graduate Studies website or contact your School graduate administrator.
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