ABE Ireland programme shortlisted in 2024 Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Awards


The Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) Ireland programme at University College Dublin is among 71 projects shortlisted across fourteen award categories in the 2024 Sustainable Business Impact Award by Chambers Ireland.

The Sustainable Business Impact Awards showcase best practice in sustainable development and social responsibility undertaken by companies of all sizes across Ireland. 


President of Chambers Ireland, Fiona Candon, said “The businesses shortlisted today have shown leadership in delivering projects that engage their workforce on biodiversity and environmental projects. As well as making a positive difference in their community these projects contribute to the wellbeing of their workforce. We are delighted to be able to showcase the role that business plays in engaging on the important issues of environment, inclusion, community engagement and wellbeing.”

The Amgen Biotech Experience is a science education programme that was first established in the United States in 1990. It has since expanded globally, reaching nearly one million students across 16 countries. It started in Ireland in 2014 as a pilot project with Systems Biology Ireland at University College Dublin as academic lead and Dublin City University as co-lead. 

Since 2014, ABE Ireland has trained 215 science teachers in 175 secondary schools, benefiting 23,700 students. Today, the ABE Ireland programme is currently delivered by Systems Biology Ireland (lead) in collaboration with the UCD Conway Institute (co-lead) and focuses on increasing access to biotechnology education. 

Since 2020, ABE Ireland has introduced targeted measure to imbed the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. This has resulted in increased benefit to DEIS schools (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) with participation rising from 18% to 39%.

The ABE teacher training is a recognized continuing professional development course for teachers implementing the new Irish secondary school biology syllabus.

The Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Awards are sponsored by BAM Ireland and run in association with the Department of Rural and Community Development who support the Social Enterprise category.

Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director at BAM Ireland, said “We’re proud to once again sponsor the Sustainable Business Impact Awards, which aligns perfectly with our own values of building a sustainable tomorrow and leaving a positive impact on the communities where we operate. We commend all participants, especially those who have been shortlisted, for their steadfast commitment to nurturing a sustainable business environment. Recognising best practice in sustainable development and social responsibility is critical to accelerating positive change towards a greener future and it’s something we’re deeply committed to at BAM. Every day, we work closely with our clients to support them reaching their sustainability targets.”

The Awards will take place on Wednesday, 25th September. 

More details on: Sustainable Business Impact Awards | Chambers Ireland