CuriosiTY - a Transition Year Work Experience Programme


What is CuriosiTY?

The CuriosiTY programme is a structured, immersive week-long programme which allows transition year pupils to gain first hand experience of working in a STEM environment. We aim to build an awareness, curiosity and confidence in science by providing pupils with a high-quality STEM work placement in two leading research institutes, the UCD Conway Institute and Systems Biology Ireland. Pupils work alongside postgraduates to experience first-hand the daily working life of scientists, and find out about STEM related careers that support research.

About the programme

CuriosiTY focuses on increasing awareness of STEM education and careers as well as developing key skills within a framework that provides equity of access and widens participation. More than 200 pupils have attended the CuriosiTY placement weeks to date. 80% of these pupils are from DEIS designated schools linked with UCD and schools in areas of geographical disadvantage linked with the Amgen Biotech Experience Ireland programme. The remaining places are available to pupils who apply directly to the programme. CuriosiTY has also reached approximately 1000 pupils through additional school visits to DEIS designated schools across the country.

In addition, 95 UCD postgraduate researchers have been trained in public engagement to lead the delivery of the CuriosiTY programme. They have guided pupils in exploring the world of research through hands-on laboratory, research seminars and career talks.

What does the CuriosiTY placement week look like?

The placement weeks run from Monday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm daily. There are 4 placement weeks scheduled per school year.  Pupils take part in a programme of tours, talks and hands-on lab activities.  They also get to meet researchers iat their benches in research laboratories to understand the daily life of a scientist and explore the world of research. Industry professionals and current UCD undergraduate students are also invited to speak to the students, sharing insights about their career progression and the challenges they have faced along the way.

CuriosiTY Photo Gallery
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People working in a laboratory

Who can apply?

The CuriosiTY programme is open to transition year pupils who have a keen interest in STEM.  We currently have a waiting list in place for direct applicants who wish to attend. 

To enquire about future places in this programme, email: