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CS start-up a finalist in VentureLaunch Accelerator Programme

CS start-up a finalist in VentureLaunch Accelerator Programme

On 16 May 2024 in the Moore Auditorium at UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, seven emerging UCD start-ups pitched at the final of the 2024 UCD VentureLaunch Accelerator Programme delivered by (opens in a new window)NovaUCD. Among them was (opens in a new window)Mirror Security, a new venture from the UCD School of Computer Science that detects, protects, and validates generative AI models. The lead promoter is Dr Aditya Kuppa and the team includes (opens in a new window)Assoc. Prof. Dr Nhien An Le Khac, (opens in a new window)Jack Nicholls, Vihang Dudhalkar and Pankaj Thapa.

Mirror Security is a cybersecurity platform for GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) that brings both security and assurance to organisations using GenAI in their operations. GenAI offers a great benefit to companies that aim to integrate it into tasks such as customer facing support ChatBots, or Co-Pilots for coding development, and agentic workflows, but there are new risks surfacing that leave organisations exposed. Several high-profile incidents with major corporations have highlighted the need for a platform to be available and integrated with existing and upcoming GenAI developments. Sensitive data loss, poorly generated content, and prompt attacks are just a few of the risks addressed by Mirror Security. Their solution outperforms other solutions offered on several state-of-the-art benchmarks. With the integration of a platform like Mirror Security in any organisation using GenAI, they will gain both trust and assurance in the security and capability of their GenAI systems.

Mirror Security are currently fundraising to scale their platform, and are actively engaged with enterprise customers deploying GenAI technology.

At the VentureLaunch Pitch Day competition, each start-up had just six minutes to showcase their vision, then they answered questions from the panel of judges.

VentureLaunch is UCD’s annual showcase event to celebrate UCD innovation and welcome a new cohort of UCD start-up companies. It’s an evening filled with innovation, inspiration, and networking opportunities. It included a panel discussion on how AI is impacting innovation and start-ups. The event attracts investors and venture capitalists as well as business partners and industry leaders, joining the start-up founders and entrepreneurs, UCD staff and faculty and students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation.

The other finalists were:

The winning team, 'SusBioMe' - an agricultural engineering product that improves energy produced by biomass in plants. SusBioME is creating modular, plug-in disruptive electro-processing technologies which improve revenues of asset owners by maximising gas yields and reducing operational costs. The lead promoter is Dr Ajay Menon.

GalMAX Biotech, a new venture from the UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering, delivers a simple and robust cell engineering technology that eliminates variability throughout all stages of biopharmaceutical product development. The lead promoter is Ioscani Jiménez del Val.

Maternitec, a new venture from the UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, is developing the world’s first wearable fetal movement monitor which will provide reassurance to pregnant people and their caregivers, and contribute to stillbirth prevention. The lead promoter is Niamh Nowlan.

Neuropause Medical, a new venture from the UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, is revolutionising menopause care with a non-invasive neuromodulation device offering women and clinicians a ground-breaking treatment for severe vasomotor symptoms associated with the menopause transition. The lead promoter is Maria Galve Villa, Ph.D. 

Real World Data, a new venture from the UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, will capture high-quality data from sensors and other devices, thereby increasing accuracy, reducing cost and providing firms and regulators with mobility data from real-world settings. The lead promoter is Michael McMahon.

The mission of WeiSyn, a new venture emerging from the UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, is to develop an innovative high-throughput formulation solution designed to expedite the development process of RNA therapeutics. The lead promoter is Nan Zhang. 

Mirror Security

Website https://www.mirrorsecurity.io/

Follow Mirror Security on (opens in a new window)LinkedIn

Published 14th May 2024

UCD School of Computer Science

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